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The megalodon is not only the biggest prehistoric shark known, it is also believed to be the biggest carnivorous fish to have existed!
Although now extinct, they were the largest shark that ever lived, up to 60 feet or more. They were once thought to be related to the great white, but recent evidence shows they were more closely to requiem sharks, like the tiger and bull sharks.
Yes, Why yes it is.
It was, its extinct now. Scientists used to believe it was around 100 feet in length, however now they believe it was 55-65 feet in length.

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6y ago
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7y ago

The latest theories suggest that megaladon was both longer and heavier than a whale shark.

The generally excepted size for megaladon is 18 meters with a body mass of about 70 metric tons.

Whale sharks can grow just over 12m and weigh upto 13.6 metric tons.
The Megalodon shark was the biggest shark that ever lived. It could grow up to 100ft long. The whale shark could only grow up to 65ft.

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14y ago

Yes, the megalodon was alive and active during the pliocene era. This has been proven by the finding of a number of shark tooth fossils, that were very, very big.

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12y ago

It was, its extinct now. We now believe an adult megalodon was 55-65 feet in length.

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11y ago

Yes there is a legend of the bid shark it's mouth is so big it could swallow all of Boston in one bite

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11y ago

yes and its the most deadliest on the west coast

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Are megalodon bigger than great white sharks?

Well the whale shark is quite a huge shark. So the megalodon is second largest shark. It has been proved that whale sharks are just like whales but with spots. The magalodon believed to be extinct still lives to be second largest shark.

What really is the megalodon?

Megalodon Shark is an ancient shark that lived back around the time of the dinosaurs. It was much bigger than any shark we see nowadays.

What do prehistoric sharks eat?

prehistoric sharks eat whales, other sharks and mollusks. But the megalodon eats any kind of living organism

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We are an enemy of them and everything bigger than them!

Did megalodons have enemies?

no, it is the top predator of its time, so it has no enemies or competators

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The question is actually wrong because ,What you meant is that maybe is there any animal bigger than whale.But you asked What is bigger than whale?, so it can be anything which is bigger than the whale.Anyway if you meant animal ,then nothing can be bigger than a blue whale.

Did megalodon sharks have scales?

Nearly all fish, including sharks, have scales. We don't have any fossilized impressions of Megalodon skin, but there is no reason to believe that they didn't have scales like other sharks. The scales on shark skin are useful because they trap water against the shark. Thus, the water that rubs against them mainly rubs against the water in between the scales, and that greatly reduces drag.

Which breeds of sharks are known to be giant in size?

The biggest sharks are usually great white sharks, tiger sharks and bull sharks. I'm not sure if there are any others. All of these sharks can be 4m long or bigger.

Do most moats have sharks or alligators?

A moat could possibly have alligators or sharks depending on the type of water.Take your moat to be freshwater; it could possibly have alligators or bull sharks, probably it has nothing bigger than a carp.However take your moat to be saltwater; there is a much larger variety of sharks that could inhabit it (bull sharks included again) but no alligators. I don't know of any saltwater moats, but they probably have nothing bigger than a goby. If the case is that you are considering swimming in a moat, do not hesitate. But watch out for boats.

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Whales are much bigger than sharks. Even baby whales are bigger. Trivia: The mechanical shark in Jaws was named "Bruce" after Speilberg's lawyer.

What species of sharks do they kill for shark fin soup?

Mostly any shark will do, but the bigger the fin the better.

Are the megalodon the most dangerous sharks?

no their actually very much alike the whale shark being a filter feeder so their very gentle