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No, tallitot (pl) are prayer shawls that are worn on the shoulders or covering the person's head and shoulders.

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Q: Was the tallit ever worn around the waist?
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What is the Hebrew name for prayer shawl?

The Hebrew name for the 'prayer shawl' is 'tallit'. Many Jews of European decent also refer to the tallit as a 'tallis'. Jewish people do not call it a prayer shawl.The tallit is traditionally worn only by men (and in some synagogues, only married men) for morning prayer services. The only time when a tallit is worn for evening prayers is on Yom Kippur.

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Why is the tallit worn?

A Tallit has tassels on each of its four corners. These tassels are supposed to have some white and some sky-blue (Techelet) threads. We have lost the tradition have to produce these sky-blue threads. To remind us that they are supposed to be there, the Tallit has stripes on it.

What does the tallit represent?

it is important as it is a jewish tradition they are passed down from a farther to his son who then gives it to his son and so onbecause they pray with it