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No, there was a New Jersey Plan that addressed how William Paterson believed the states would be represented in the federal legislature. The New Jersey Plan called for one house of Congress and one voting representative from each state, giving both large and small states an equal amount of power in the federal government regardless of state population.

The New Jersey was written in response to the Virginia Plan, which favored large states by creating two houses of the legislature (originally called the Upper House and Lower House) because the representatives for both parts of Congress would be apportioned based on population, as determined by a ten-year census.

The Connecticut Compromise was a hybrid of the two plans that provided for two houses of Congress, the Upper House (which became the Senate) would consist of two representatives from each state, regardless of state population. The Lower House (which became the House of Representatives), would apportion seats according to population.

The combination of the two plans provided more balanced power, addressing the interests of both the states' and their citizens.

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Q: Was there a New Jersey Compromise at the Constitutional Convention?
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....the constitutional convention rejected Roger Sherman's compromise blending the Virginia and New Jersey Plans.?

no, they did not

What are the three plans presented in the constitutional convention of 1787?

The New Jersey Plan, The Virginia Plan, and the Great Compromise! :)

Is it true that the Constitutional Convention rejected Roger Shermans compromise blending the Virginia and New Jersey Plans?

No.They loved his work.

Where was the New Jersey plan made?

In the Constitutional convention

What did the New Jersey compromise do?

There was no "New Jersey Compromise." It was named for Connecticut. The New Jersey Plan was an alternative representation plan for Congress as it was debated at the Constitutional Convention. Rather than a legislature based on population (the Virginia Plan), it proposed a unicameral legislature with each state being equal with a single representative. Under the "Great Compromise" or Connecticut Compromise, the New Jersey plan became the model for the Senate, and the Virginia Plan for the House of Representatives.

What plan offered the constitutional convention a proposal for representation?

The New Jersey Plan.

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Disagreement at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 over the Virginia and New Jersey plans was resolved by a compromise that?

created a congress made up of a senate and a house of Representatives p.s. #4

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The Connecticut Compromise (Also called the Great Compromise) settled the arguments between the two sides as the Constitutional Convention. It was a good even between the New Jersey and Virginia Plan, but more so favored the Virginia Plan. It included that the House of Representatives would have proportional representation, and that the Senate would have equal representation.

What are the two states that presented plans at the Constitutional Convention?

Virginia and New Jersey

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He was a law student from New Jersey that was one of New Jersey's representative's in the constitutional convention.

What plans presented at the Constitutional Convention would be favored by small States.?

New Jersey Plan