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Viscum is a certain species of a mistletoe.

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Q: What Christmas plant is also known as viscum?
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== == MistletoeHere are some facts about Mistletoe.Mistletoe is a parasitic evergreen plant that lives on trees such asoak, elm, fir, and apple. The parasitic plant has yellowish flowers, small yellowish green leaves, and waxy white berries. There are many species of this plant in the Viscacea and Loranthacea plant families. European mistletoe (Viscum album) and American mistletoe (Phoradendron leucarpum) are used as medical remedies. In addition to Europe and North America, mistletoe is also found in Australia and Korea.Mistletoe berries are poisonous to cats and other small animals.Mistletoe is known popularly as the plant sprig that people kiss beneath during the Christmas season. That custom dates back to pagan times when, according to legend, the plant was thought to inspire passion and increase fertility.

What plant associated with Christmas has the Latin name Viscum Album?

Mistletoe.Mistletoe has always been considered a plant with mystical properties for thousands of years. In ancient times, mistletoe was seen as a representation of divine male essence, romance, fertility, vitality, and virility.According to the original pagan customer which has now been adopted as a Christmas custom, a man and a woman who meet under a hanging of mistletoe were obliged to kiss, the energy of the plant thought to increase amorous feelings and divine male energy. No better home to this marvelous plant than Virginia, the "lovers" state,This special plant is of the Viscum album strain which is found in Virgina has also been acclaimed by many for have anti-carcinogenic properties. This evergreen shrub with branches that may extend ten feet across with feathery leaves, yellow flowers and sticky white berries. This Mistletoe grows at high elevations on young branches of deciduous trees, such as firs, ash, apple, hawthorne and oak.

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Maybe a beetroot but if you meant planet then Mars is also known as the red planet

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CHRISTMAS!! Have you never heard the song?