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-150 Celsius = -238 Fahrenheit

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Q: What Fahrenheit is equal to negative one hundred fifty degrees Celsius?
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What is a hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit equal to in Celsius?

60 degrees Celsius.

What is two hundred twenty two degrees Fahrenheit in degrees?

122 degrees Fahrenheit is 50 degrees Celsius.

What a hundred degree Fahrenheit is in centigrade?

100 degrees Fahrenheit = 37.78 degrees Celsius

What is one hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius?

150ºF = 65.6ºC

What is the temperature in kelvins and Fahrenheit of a piece of dry ice when it is negative one hundred degrees Celsius?

To convert Celsius to Kelvin, add 273.15, so -100C = 173.15K. To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, multiply by five-ninths and add 32, so the answer is -148.

One hundred and forty degrees Fahrenheit corresponds to what temperature Celsius?

140oF = 60oC.

What is negative one hundred and forty eight degrees Celsius on the kelvin scale?

A+ . . . . 127k

What temperature does water boil?

One-hundred degrees celsius

What does 0 degrees Celsius refer to?

0 degrees Celsius is a temperature.0 Celsius = 32 Fahrenheit = 273.15 CalvinOn the centigrade scale the temperature at which water freezes at normal pressure. One hundred on the scale is the boiling point of water.

What is a bird's body temperature?

The average body temperature for a bird is one hundred and five degrees Fahrenheit, or forty point five degrees Celsius. As with all creatures, body temperatures fluctuate with age, stress, and surrounding environments.

What is one hundred degrees Fahrenheit in degrees celsius?

Conversion formula: [°C] = ([°F] - 32) * 5 / 9 = (100 - 32) * 5 / 9 = 37.78 °C

Are the temperature bellow the freezing point of water on the Celsius scale positive or negative number?

Celsius is a scale of temperature. Its range includes both positive and negative numbers.