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It is an assembler language programmer

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Q: What is the Language programmer writes one mnemonic instruction for each machine level instruction?
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Why are assemblers used?

to translate mnemonic operation codes to their machine language equivalents and assigning machine address to symbolic labels used by the programmer.

What is the nemonic of Microsoft?

in assembly language machine language instruction are replaced by English like words these words are called mnemonic

What is an example of a programming language that does not require the programmer to know machine language?

C++ and Visual Basic are computer languages that do not require the programmer to know machine language.

How an assembler converts assembly mnemonics to machine language?

Each mnemonic maps directly to a machine instruction code, known as an opcode. Some mnemonics map to more than one opcode, however the instruction's operand types will determine which specific opcode will be generated.

One instruction in high level language corresponds to one instruction in machine language?

No. Generally, one instruction in a high level language corresponds to many instructions in machine language.

How do you add new machine language instruction to a processor intsruction set?

To add a new machine language instruction to an processor instruction set, you need to replace the microcode of the processor.

Who makes apps?

A machine language developer or simple programmer.

Are machine language and assembly language the same?

No, they are not the same. Assembly language uses mnemonic words to REPRESENT machine language; to be able to actually run it, a special program - a so-called assembler - then needs to convert it into machine language.

What is the Difference between machine op and pseudo op?

A pseudo-op is an assembly language instruction that specifies an operation of the assembler i.e about the base register & its contents e.g. USING instruction. On the other hand, a machine-op instruction. That represents a machine instruction to the assembler e.g. BR instruction is a machine-op instruction

What do you understand by the Mnemonic codes?

Ans. Mnemonic code:Machine language is the basic language of the computer but it is very difficult.Mnemonics:Assembly languages unlike machine language consist of short symbolic phrases understandable by people. These phrases are made up of alphanumeric symbols called mnemonics.Assembly language simplifies the programmer's job and makes it easy to find the errors. The programs written in assembly languages are efficient in their use, and run faster as they use fewer instructions.By Pro. MUHAMMAD SHOAIB BILALEmail: Shoaibbilal64@yahoo.comThanks!

What do you understand by mnemonic code?

Ans. Mnemonic code:Machine language is the basic language of the computer but it is very difficult.Mnemonics:Assembly languages unlike machine language consist of short symbolic phrases understandable by people. These phrases are made up of alphanumeric symbols called mnemonics.Assembly language simplifies the programmer's job and makes it easy to find the errors. The programs written in assembly languages are efficient in their use, and run faster as they use fewer instructions.By Pro. MUHAMMAD SHOAIB BILALemail: Shoaibbilal64@Yahoo.comThanks!

Assembly language to machine language translation is?

Assembly language to machine code translation is a "one to one" translation process, as every individual instruction expressed in the assembly language corresponds to exactly one machine instruction. Note this does not hold for pseudo instructions or expanding macros, which are supported by some assemblers.