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It wasn't the natives! It was colonists who threw the tea into Boston Harbour. They were protesting against having to pay taxes to England. Later known as The Boston Tea-Party, it was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, on the 16th December 1773.

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Q: What act was it when the natives threw tea into the Boston harbor?
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What was the effect of tea act?

The people of the colonies threw the tea in to the Boston Harbor. We have called this the Boston Tea Party.

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The colonists dressed up as Indians and threw british tea into the Boston Harbor and that act is now known as the Boston Tea Party

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they had the Boston tea party (where they dumped the tea into the Boston harbor)

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The coercive Act closed the boston harbor until the massachusetts colonist paid fo the ruined tea.

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Boston Harbor was closed by the British.

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The act that prevented supplies from being shipped to Boston was called the Coercive Act. This act also closed down the Boston harbor.

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The acts signed to close down Boston Harbor were Boston Port Act 1774 which was passed on June 1, 1774. The Massachusetts Government Act was the second act and was passed on May 20, 1774,

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Boston was supposed to be punished, for dumping tea into the Boston harbor.

When colonists dumped tea into Boston Harbor to protest the Tea Act?

Boston tea party

Why did parliament pass the coercive act.?

Boston was supposed to be punished, for dumping tea into the Boston harbor.