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Q: What adaptations are necessary for organisms that live in the estuary?
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None, go get a life!

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What are some adaptations in estuaries?

Animals who live in estuaries must adapt to the constant change of salinity of the water around them. Because of tides, salt water and fresh water mix in different concentrations throughout a period of time, and organisms must be able to handle this.

What factors dertermine the kinds of organisms that can live in a saltwater ecosystem?

It has adaptations that help it survive in its environment

How adaptations help organisms survive'?

Adaptations help because they help the animal to get food easier, or to find shelter, and help them get the necessities they need to live.

What organisms live in estuary?

many species of algae,salt-tolerant grasses,shrimp,crabs,clams,oysters,snails,worms,and fish

How do organisms live in their adaptations?

it enables them to survive in their situations..for example the baobab has a hollow trunk for storage of water

Why is it necessary for organisms to have food?

I dont know i guess so they can live................

Do turtles live in an estuary?


Does a otter live in a estuary?


Do emus live in trees?

No. Emus are flightless birds. They cannot live in trees, because they lack the necessary adaptations for climbing and perching.