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Monotremes are mammals which lay eggs.

Monotremes include the platypus, the short-beaked echidna and

the long-beaked echidna.

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Q: What animals lay eggs but are still mammals?
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Which animal do not lay eggs?

The animals which do not lay eggs they are called mammals animalSome animals that does not lay eggs are:dogscatsanacondasmonkeysbearslionsjaguarscheetahsbullscowshorsesbaboonschimpsgorillasmongooselionelephanttiger

What are the type of animals that lay eggs?

Animals that lay eggs are called Oviparous animals. These type of animals have no specific class as mammals as well as types of fishes and birds can produce eggs.

What is the scientific classification given to mammals that lay eggs?

Mammals that lay eggs are called monotremes. They are placed in the infraclass and order Monotremata.

How many animals lay eggs?

Many different types of animals lay eggs. It is not possible to list them all. Insects, most fish, amphibians, birds, and reptiles all lay eggs, as do many others. Some mammals - namely the platypus and the echidna - also lay eggs.

How do animals differ from humans in terms of producing their offspring?

Humans are animals. Animals have different ways of producing offspring. Birds lay eggs. Mammals give live birth and give milk, the same way humans do, which makes us mammals. Reptiles lay eggs or give live offspring. Amphibians lay eggs. Fish lay eggs. Insects lay eggs.

Do white rhinos lay eggs?

No. Rabbits do not lay eggs. They are placental mammals. The only mammals which lay eggs are the monotremes, which include the platypus and the echidna.

What covers mammals eggs?

Mammals don't lay eggs. The only mammal that lays eggs is a platypus, and they have leathery feeling eggs, but still a shell.

What type of animals have warm blood and don't lay eggs?

Most mammals.

How many eggs does a jaguar lay?

Jaguars are mammals. Mammals do not lay eggs.

Are echinoderms mammals that can lay eggs?

No, they are marine animals, including starfish. An echidna is a mammal that lays eggs.

Mammals that lay eggs are termed as?

Actually, not all animals that lay eggs are mammals, and not all mammals give live birth. Some snakes have livebirth(reptile), and the platapus(mammal), lays eggs. But, to answer your question, animal that lay eggs are called reptiles, amphibeans, fish, and birds.

Do mammals lay eggs?

By definition, mammals have live young, with the exception of the three species of monotremes.These include the platypus and the short-beaked echidna, native to Australia, and the long-beaked echidna, native to New Guinea (there are three sub-species of the long-beaked echidna). These animals lay eggs, but still feed their young on mother's milk.Eutheria (placental mammals) and marsupials do not lay eggs.