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Animals that live in the Arabian Desert are: dromedary camel, dung beetle, civet, Egyptian vulture, flamingo, fox, gazelle, hare, hedgehog, Arabian horse, hyena, ibex, jackal, jerboa, lesser bustard, lizard, locust, oryx, peregrine falcon, porcupine, sand cobra, scorpion, skink, veiled chameleon, and vipers.

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Hamsters live in the Syrian desert, along with Gazelle, the Jerboa, Vipers, various Lizards and Chameleon.

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Q: What animals live in the Arabian Desert?
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What are the Arabian desert animals?

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Well there are lizards and camels, there is the addax and the African spurred tortoise and the striped hyena, there is the scimitar horned oryx and there is the fennec fox and the Arabian horse. There is the Arabian hare, the desert hedgehogs, mice and rats. There is the Indian wolf, the Arabian wolf and the red Arabian wolf if.

What lives in the Arabian Desert?

There are many animals which live in the Arabian desert. Some mammals are camels, foxes, wolves, and gazelles. There are numerous insects including scorpions, beetles, ants, and spiders. There are also numerous varieties of reptiles and birds. In addition to the animal life, the Arabian desert is also home to a wide variety of plant life.

What is the desert on the Arabian Peninsula?

The Arabian Desert is on the Arabian Peninsula.

What are the abiotic animals in the Arabian Desert?

Abiotic means non living. Animals are biotic and not abiotic.

What do you call the animals that live in desert?

Desert Animals.