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Auditory, Glossopharyngeal, Hypoglossal

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facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus

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what cranialnerve serves gustation

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3y ago

The fascial nerve (CN VII) serves the taste buds in the tongue's anterior 2/3rds.

The glossopharyngeal (CN IX) serves taste buds in the posterior 1/3rd of the tongue.

The Vagus Nerve (CN X) serves taste buds in the throat and epiglottis.

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Q: What are 3 cranial nerves involved in the sense of taste?
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What is the gustatory nerve function?

This nerve is one of the 12 cranial nerves. It is for the sense of taste. This sense is important because many poisons are bitter.

What is the function of gustatory nerve?

This nerve is one of the 12 cranial nerves. It is for the sense of taste. This sense is important because many poisons are bitter.

Taste buds are monitored by cranial nerves?

Cranial nerves #7 (VII) #9 (IX) and #10 (X)

Which nerves innervate the taste buds?

Brances of the Facial (VII), Glossopharyngeal (IX), and Vagus (X) cranial nerves carry information about taste

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The vestibular (VIII)

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Which cranial nerve's carry gustatory information?

Brances of the Facial (VII), Glossopharyngeal (IX), and Vagus (X) cranial nerves carry information about taste

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Which cranial nerve is involved in the secretion of saliva?

CN VII (facial) The cranial nerves that regulate salivation are CN VII (facial) and CN IX (Glossopharyngeal). The cranial nerves that transmit the special sense of taste are CN VII (facial, to the anterior 2/3rd of the tongue) and CN X (vagus, to the posterior 1/3rd of the tongue). Of these nerves, only CN VII (facial) transmits both taste and salivation control.

Which cranial nerves monitor taste buds?

A) vagus nerve (X) B) facial nerve (VII) C) glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) D) trigeminal nerve (V) E) facial nerve (VII), vagus nerve (X), and glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) Answer is E