

What are Diffusions?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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14y ago

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Duffision is when molecules diffuse (move) from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

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Q: What are Diffusions?
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What affects the rate of diffusions?

Temperature, Concentration and size of molecules :)

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What are the types of diffusions?

In Biology there are three types of diffusion. There are simple, channel, and facilitated diffusion.

Explain why diffusion is evidence for particle models?

Diffusion is evidence for particle models because it causes diffusions

Why is the alveolus suitable as a place for diffusion of gasses?

It contains a great number of capillaries, allowing for the diffusions of gases at a cellular level.

How osmosis differs from diffusions?

both are the same processes but the difference is that , in osmosis there is a need of semi permeable membrane for the results whereas there is no need of this in diffusion bcoz it took place directly....................

What two things make osmosis a special type of diffusions?

Osmosis is specifically the diffusion of water, so that's one thing which makes it special. The other is the fact that it occurs through a semi-permeable membrane.

How the use of solidified jelly solution can improve the observation of the rusting experiment?

Solidified jelly solution can improve the observation of the experiment as it is used to trap and see the blue colouration clearly. This is because diffusions occurs the slowest in solids compared to liquid and gases.

What is the importance of cultural diffusions?

Civilizations, such as the Sumerians, exchanged products and ideas, such as living in cities, with neighboring cultures. This process in which a new idea or products spreads from one culture to another is called cultural diffusion. (McDougal Littell, World History: Patterns of Interactions, p.31)

How can the respiratory system put oxygen into the blood and carbon dioxide out of the blood?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are both gases, which makes them easier to pass through the cell. In addition, the site of trading the respiratory gases occur at alveoli, which has capillaries attached to it. The membranes in these regions are each one cell thick, which enables the respiratory gases to pass through easier. When the blood reaches the lungs, simple diffusions then take the carbon dioxide out of the cell and oxygenates the blood.

Does salad dressing have anti freeze?

No - antifreeze is a specific chemical (ethylene glycol) used in car radiators to prevent the heat diffusions system from freezing in winter. However, you will notice that salad dressing doesn't freeze at 0 C (32 F) like water will. This is because salad dressing has oil (usually olive oil or another vegetable-based oil) and a number of solutes (seasonings, etc.) that disrupt the bonds between the water molecules. Because of this, salad dressing has to get much colder than water before it will freeze.