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1 Math is short for mathematics

2 Minus is to take away and is negative

3 Multiplication is the product of 2 or more numbers

4 Minute is 1/60 of an hour

5 Millimeter is 1/10 of a centimeter

6 Meter is 100 centimeters

7 Million is numerically 1,000,000 or as 1.0*106 in scientific notation

8 Module is a mathematical object where things can be added commutatively by multiplying coefficients

9 Mid-point is the center of a line segment

10 Maximum is the highest

11 Minimum is the lowest

12 Mode in a set of data occurs most often

13 Mean average is sum of values divided number of values

14 Median is the middle value of data normally in ascending order

15 M is the Roman numeral equivalent to a 1000

16 Mass means density of weight

17 Mph is a measurement of speed

18 Mile is equal to 1760 yards

19 Major arc, sector or segment of a circle

20 Minor arc, sector or segment of a circle

21 Millennium is a 1000 years

22 Modulus is, in the complex plane, the distance between the origin and a complex number

23 Model is a set of equations explaining something in the "real" world

24 Matrix is an array of mathematical expressions in columns and rows treated as a single entity

25 Manifold is an object that can be charted or a set of locally Euclidean points in multiple dimensions

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9y ago

1 Pi is a circle's circumference divided by its diameter.

2 Pie chart is data set within a circle expressed in degrees.

3 Product of two or more numbers is the result of multiplication.

4 Pentagon is a five sided polygon.

5 Parallelogram is a four sided quadrilateral.

6 Parabola is a sketch of a quadratic equation.

7 Positive correlation is an uphill line.

8 Probability is an event that may or may not happened from 1 to 0.

9 Prisms have unified cross-sections.

10 Pyramid is a 3D object with triangular faces.

11 Pythagoras' theorem is applicable to right angle triangles.

12 Proper fraction is when the numerator is less than the denominator.

13 Powers of numbers increases its base value.

14 Plus means addition of two or more numbers.

15 Percentage means out of a hundred.

16 Profit is greater than loss.

17 Perpendicular lines intersect at right angles.

18 Parallel lines remain equidistant apart and never meet.

19 Point of origin is at (0, 0) on the Cartesian plane.

20 Polygons have three or more sides.

21 Problems need answers.

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9y ago

1 Dozen adds up to 13 according to the baker

2 Data is collected and collated for statistical purposes

3 Diameter of a circle is its largest chord cutting through it centre

4 Dice is a 3D cube

5 Descartes was a French mathematician who created coordinated geometry

6 Denominator is the lower part of a fraction

7 Division results as a quotient

8 Dividend is divided by the divisor in division

9 D is the Roman numeral for 500

10 Diagonals are found in polygons with 4 or more sides

11 Distance is the length between 2 points

12 Discrete data is used numerically in statistics

13 Degrees are the measurements of angles and heat

14 Decagon is a 10 sided polygon

15 Discriminant of a quadratic equation decides if it has any solutions

16 Diagram gives an idea of the real thing

17 Density is mass/volume

18 Decimals are numbers less than zero as in 0.75

19 Descending order is greatest to least

20 Difference of two numbers indicates subtraction

21 Debt is better without it

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9y ago

1 Radius of a circle which is half of its diameter

2 Radian is an arc of a circle of about 57.3 degrees

3 Rotational symmetry is when a shape looks the same after a turn

4 Random selection is impartial in statistics

5 Right hand side is equal to the left hand side in an equation

6 Real numbers are found on the number line

7 Rounded to the nearest integer as for example 2.5 = 3

8 Roman numerals are: M D C L X V and I

9 Rules are to be followed for problem solving

10 Roots are real when they are equal or different in quadratic equations

11 Regular polygons have equal length side

12 Rational numbers can be expressed as fractions

13 Right angle triangle has a 90 degree angle and 2 acute angles

14 Rhombus has 4 equal sides

15 Rectangle is a 4 sided quadrilateral

16 Reciprocal of 3/4 is 4/3

17 Reduced to its lowest terms 5/10 is 1/2

18 Repeating decimals are infinite

19 Ratio of 2 or more numbers can be proportional

20 Range in statistics is the difference between highest and lowest

21 Rene Descartes was a French mathematician who created coordinated geometry

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9y ago

1 Length is a measurement of distance

2 Lbs means pounds of weight

3 Lsd once meant pounds, shillings and pence in old money

4 Litre is equivalent to 1000 cubic cm

5 Least common denominator is needed when adding or subtracting fractions

6 Lowest common multiple is used to find the LCD of fractions

7 Lowest reduced terms of a fraction is when its GCF is one

8 Line of best fit is used to find the most suitable correlation of data

9 L as a Roman numeral is equivalent to 50

10 L as a capital letter has a right angle of 90 degrees

11 Less or more symbols are < and > respectively

12 Logarithm is the power of a base number that must be raised to obtain a number

13 Linear equations are functions that can be plotted on the Cartesian plane

14 Latitude and longitude are imaginary lines around the globe

15 Long division is done in tier stages with or without a remainder

16 Line that are equidistant apart are parallel

17 Longest side of a right angle triangle is its hypotenuse

18 Lowest part of a fraction is its denominator

19 Largest or smallest number on the number line is infinite

20 Large numbers can be shortened by means of scientific notation

21 Light travels at about 186,000 miles per second

22 Line of symmetry is a 'mirror image'

23 Latin numeracy is in the form of Roman numerals

24 LHS must equal RHS in equations

25 Like algebraic terms can be simplified: 2x+3x-x = 4x

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9y ago

1 Addition is the process of finding the sum of 2 or more numbers

2 Abacus counting device was used by the ancient Romans

3 Average mean is the sum of a set of numbers divided by how many there are

4 Acre is a land measurement of 4840 square yards

5 Anti-clockwise is the reverse of clockwise

6 Algebra uses letters and numbers in mathematical problem solving

7 Angles are measured in degrees, minutes and seconds

8 Acute angle is greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees

9 Adjacent angles on a straight line add up to 180 degrees

10 Angle of elevation is looking upwards at an object on a level surface

11 Angle of depression is looking downwards at an object on a level surface

12 Allied angles on the transversal line add up to 180 degrees

13 Alternate angles on the transversal line are equal

14 Algorithm is problem solving through mathematical logic

15 Axis of symmetry is a 'mirror image' in a 3 dimensional shape

16 Axes of x and y on the Cartesian plane intersect at the origin (0, 0)

17 Approximation is a rough estimate

18 Area is measured in square units

19 Ascending order is from least to greatest

20 Arc is part of a circle's circumference

21 Arithmetical answers to arithmetical questions are 100% correct when they are in balance with each other

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8y ago

1 Octagon is an 8 sided polygon whose 8 interior angles add up to 1080 degrees

2 Octahedron is an 8 faced polyhedron normally with 8 triangular faces

3 Octo is the Latin word for VIII which represents 8

4 Octodecim is the Latin word for XVIII which represents 18

5 Octoginta is the Latin word for LXXX which represents 80

6 October was once the 8th month in the Roman calendar

7 Oblong is another word for a rectangle

8 Oval shape looks like an egg or a squashed circle

9 Origin is where the x and y axes intersect at right angles on the Cartesian plane

10 Ordinate is the y coordinate and abscissa is the x coordinate on the plane

11 Ogive is the shape of a cumulative frequency curve and looks like an S

12 O as a letter is sometimes used to represent nought or zero

13 O as a capital letter has lines of symmetry

14 Odd numbers end with 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9

15 Orthographic projections are 3D objects represented by 2D drawings

16 Opposite angles of a square and rectangle are right angles

17 Obtuse angle is greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees

18 Obtuse triangle has 1 obtuse angle and 2 different acute angles

19 Over the denominator of a fraction is its numerator

20 One and itself are the factors of any Prime number

21 Outside angles of a polygon add up to 360 degrees

22 Order of operations in calculations is BIDMAS meaning brackets, indices, division, multiplication, addition followed by subtraction

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