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answ2. Since humans are of the general broad family Bilatera, there are many bones of which we have two.

The skull, vertebrae and pelvis may be the only bones that are not paired.

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Q: What are all the bones in the skull that are paired of unpaired?
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How many unpaired electrons are in an atom of cobalt in its ground state?

1 number of unpaired electron.

Are the bones of the face part of the skull?

Yes, all the bones in your head are called skull.

Is phosphours magnatic?

Any atom with unpaired electrons in it's orbital exhibits paramagnetism, that is that it will be attracted into an inducing magnetic field. Phosphorous has 15 electrons: 1s>2e-(all paired) 2s>2e- 2p>6e-(all paired) 3s>2e-(these two are paired) 3p>3e-(note that these are the unpaired electrons that cause it to be paramagnetic) All this is because a moving negative charge produces a magnetic field if there are two electrons in the same orbital they always spin in opposite directions cancelling each other out. When there are unpaired electrons that creates the magnetic field.

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My friend sed shez not duin any more of it ,uhh uhh

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The joints between bones of the skull are immovable and called sutures.

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All bones of skull are flat bones,which are frontal,parietal,ocipital,temporal bones,sphenoid,ethmoid,zygomatic.

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All the bones of the skull except the mandible are joined together. It is also the largest and strongest bone of the face.

Why is your skull harder then all your other bones?

due to brain

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There are no unpaired electrons in an unexcited neutral mercury atom; its outer shell contains only two s electrons that are paired, as are all the electrons in the filled inner shells of the atom.

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such substances are not attracted towards magnet and are known as Diamagnetic substances.

How many bones are in a flamingo's skull?

Yes, like all birds they do have bones.