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the names of the mesopotamian gods names are ra,tefnut,anubis,heket, and baset

that are all the names i know for mesopotamian gods but nothing about egyptian gods sorry and if want to know more call me ate 1166116611


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12y ago

Well, the ancient Egyptians were polytheistic meaning that they believed in many gods and goddesses so i can't really name all of the but here are a few: Ra (or Amun-Ra), Shu, Bast, Bes, Anubis, Apophis, Sobek, Seqet, Khonsu, Babi, Neckbet, Tawaret, Hathor, Heket, Khepri, Khnum, Mekhit, Ptah, Sekhmet, Thoth Osiris, Horus, Nut, Geb, Set, and Nepthys.

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Who are the gods in Egyptian mythology?

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Over 1,500 names of Egyptian gods and goddesses have been recorded.

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There is no official list of gods and goddesses of ancinet Egypt, but the links below will help to find out more.

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There were multiple gods and goddesses for MANY different reasons. From protection all the way to Beer. The best way to get a list of the gods and goddesses is just to google it:))

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There have been over 1,500 names of Egyptian gods and goddesses found to be recorded.

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What are the names of the Ancient Egyptian Gods?


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they had their own religion. i guess you could call it ancient egyptian. most people just call their polytheistic religion by their gods names, or say "the egyptian gods"

How did Mesopotamian and Egyptian religious differ?

Mainly in the names they gave to their gods. Each had gods for all occasions - established to cover for what we now know to be natural forces, which their lack of understanding of science denied them.