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one of Theodore roosevelts was the anti trust law

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Q: What are at least 3 reforms each of these presidents initiatedproposed Theodore Roosevelt Willian William Taft and Woodrow Wilson?
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What three Presidents served during the Progressive Period?

* President Theodore Roosevelt * President Woodrow Wilson * President William Taft Were all Presidents during the Progressive Era.

Who were the three trust busting presidents?

Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft .

Who were the two presidents in oder after Theodore Roosevelt?

William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson.

Which president was a democrat Theodore Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson or William Howard Taft?

Of the three, Dr. Woodrow Wilson was the Democrat.

Which of these Presidents of the US had also been a Vice President?

Theodore Roosevelt - because he was vice president to William McKinley, which was the 25th President.

Who were the progressive presidents?

Theodore Roosevelt in 1901-09, William Howard Taft in 1909-13, Woodrow Wilson in 1913-21

Is William McKinly on Mount Rushmore?

No the four Presidents carved into Mount Rushmore by Gutzon Borglum are Washington, Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Lincoln.

Which of the following is the correct chronological order of these four Presidents of the United States?

Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt

During the Progressive Era Presidents Theodore Roosevelt William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson broke with the policies of late 19th century precedents concerning?

During the Progressive Era, Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson broke with the policies of late 19th century presidents concerning laissez-faire economic policies. The Progressive Era lasted from the 1890s to the 1920s.

Who are two democratic presidents who are generally considered to be good presidents?

Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt are considered by many to have been good presidents even though they were both progressives. In more recent times John F. Kennedy and William Clinton are considered by most to have been good presidents.

Who were the presidents from 1896-1932?

Grover Cleveland William McKinley Theodore Roosevelt William Howard Taft Woodrow Wilson Warren G. Harding Calvin Coolidge Herbert Hoover

Who suceeded William McKinley?

The vice-president, Theodore Roosevelt, assumed the presidency when McKinley was assassinated.