

How do birds make nests?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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Birds collect sticks and twigs and place them onto a suitable branch (as in a fork) in a branch or the main trunk. They slowly build up on the foundation in a circular fashion, so the outside is higher than the centre. Other birds use mud or even their own spit to harden the nest and stick it all together. Birds use its own spit or mud, and puts the nest together with twigs, grass, pretty much anything it can hold in its mouth. The bid puts the nest in a safe place where predators cannot reach or find. As for Hummingbirds, they make like a big circle with a little hole in the top so they can only get to the egg. Almost all birds have their own system and reasons for building their own kind of nest. Some need or want a specific size material, others will only use a certain type of grass, or will only use hair woven in with small leaves and twigs. Others build only to impress a potential mate, lots of males will work very hard to build the perfect nest to attract a female. So they collect materials, (leaves, twigs, hair, and feathers), then use them to assemble a nest using whatever they have, this is instinct driven by the need to protect their eggs. I could answer with more information i.e. type of bird.

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15y ago
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14y ago

While birds seem to prefer natural objects like twigs, grass etc, they will use almost anything they can carry. Toffee wrappers, cellophene paper and even barbed wire have been seen in nests. To secure and keep the nests together birds use mud, saliva, caterpillar's silk etc. which are woven together using grass, strips of leaves and twigs.

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11y ago

Depends on the bird. The sparrows and Chickadees, in SE Michigan, love to grab my dogs fur when I brush them. I've seen mud, long pine needles, garbage and of course straw and grass. The have different needs. Kinda like people.

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12y ago

It depends on the breed of the bird.

- Bird nests are commonly made out of twigs, grass, reeds and other natural foliage. Depending on the breed of the bird, the nest is made by either weaving the material in a similar fashion to basket weaving, while some other breeds use spit or mud to "glue" the nests together.

- Many birds, mostly those who live in urban environments, will make their nests with human litter such as straws, plastic wrapping and so on.

- Some birds, usually small African birds, make their nests out of mud or clay. They create an oval Rugby-ball shaped nest with a small hole to get in and out.

- Some coastal birds simply live in small caves created naturally by weathering along the coastline.

- Flightless beach birds sometimes build nests out of stones, pebbles and shells, as well as twigs and plant foliage. The shells and stones prevent the eggs from sinking into the ground.

- The Flamingo creates a unique nest. Flamingos fashion mud, clay, silt and twigs to form a mound around their eggs.

- Some burrowing birds, such as The Burrowing Owl. dig burrows in sand and soft dirt, much like a rabbit. Sometimes they will even take over abandoned burrows created by other animals such as rabbit burrows and badger dens.

- Some breeds of small parrots and a handful of other tropical birds (and the wood pecker) hollow out trees with their beaks and live inside the tree.

Please see the link I have provided you below in the Related Links. It shows you (fantastically) a wide variety of bird nests.

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13y ago

Birds nests are made up of grass, leaves, twiges, pine needles...

If you ever clean out your hair brush, throw the hair you pulled out

outside and birds will also use that for their nests.

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15y ago

Duck nest are made of what ever the duck want to put in her nest. in the outdoors this would mainly be small sticks, leaves, stone and her feathers. They line their nest with feather they have plucked from their own body.

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14y ago

they cut off twigs, branches,leaves of trees with their claws. With spit, mud, and twigs... that is easy

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12y ago

birds dont make nests god your so stupid lol

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13y ago

Twigs, sticks, animal hair (if they can find it). They'll use just about anything.

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