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A bicameral (state) legislature consists of two ("bi") chambers ("camer") and thus is "two-chambered" (bicameral). In the USA those two chambers are the Senate and the House of Representatives.

( See also: bicameralism)

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11y ago

Bicameral legislature, that is, it has to have two houses. for example in the parliament of Great Britain consisted of a house of lord which represented nobility and a house of commons which represents the people of towns and countries.

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13y ago

In a bicameral legislature there are 2 houses, The House of Representitives and the Senate. A unicameral means only 1 houses. No problem -Btappin HD

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How many states have unicameral legislatures?

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What is the Unicameral and the Bicameral legislatures?

Uni means one and bi means two. Two houses of lawmakers vs. one as in South Korea.

Who Does not have a two house legislature?

Nebraska's legislature is unique among all state legislatures in the nation because it has a single-house system. it is called unicameral.

Does Virginia have a bicameral government?

Yes. All of the State legislatures in the United States are bicameral (two houses) except for Nebraska. Nebraska has a "unicameral" single-house Legislature.

Why did some believe that unicameral legislatures created a more democratic government?

All the members of the single house are elected by the people, and representation is equal with just one house.

Why did some leaders believe unicameral legislatures created a more democratic government?

All the members of the single house are elected by the people, and representation is equal with just one house.

What is the state that has only one lawmaking unit?

Nebraska is the only state that has a unicameral legislature. Most lawmaking bodies have two houses, or bicameral legislatures consisting of an upper and lower house.

Is Indian Parliament Bicameral or Unicameral?

It is bicameral. There is Lok Sabha elected by general public. The so called upper house Rajya Sabha is elected by state legislatures and some other groups.

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what is unicameral