

What are dissolved minerals that stick together?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are dissolved minerals that stick together?
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What binds minerals together to form rocks?

The process of cementation binds minerals together to form rocks. It occurs when dissolved minerals fill in the spaces between the sediment particles.

Is cementation the process of which dissolved minerals cristalize and glue sediments together?

Yes, it is .

What is a process which are held together by some dissolved minerals like silica?

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Dissolved minerals separate from water and become a natural what that binds the sedimentary rock together?


What is water that is free from dissolved minerals?

Dissolved minerals are usually in the form of ions. Therefore water that is free of dissolved minerals is called deionized water.

What type of dissolved minerals glue particles into one mass?

The minerals that precipitate from fluids to cement particles together to form sedimentary rocks could be calcite, quartz, clay, or iron minerals.

What are dissolved minerals?


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What do you called minerals formed from dissolved minerals?

evaporites or precipatates

How are the minerals and dissolved gases in ocean water used?

The minerals and dissolved gases in ocean water are used by plant and animals.

What is the process in which dissolved minerals crystallize and glue particles of sediments together?

Cementation is the term that describes the process of forming sedimentary rock.Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediments (products of the weathering of existing rocks) are glued together. When an aqueous solution is dissolved the minerals crystallize and glue sediments together. This process to form sedimentary rocks is called compaction (pressure-hardened) and commendation (gluing together by tiny crystals).

Do many hot springs have dissolved minerals in them?

Hot water is able to hold dissolved solids such as minerals. These minerals are thought to give hot springs their therapeutic properties.