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Q: What are examples of how the tributes are afraid of dying in the film the hunger games?
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they are dying from hunger because they don't have much to support them.

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What is the phobia of dying?

Everyone is afraid of dying, but an extreme fear of death is necrophobia

Was Artemis afraid of dying?

The goddess Artemis didn't have to be afraid of dying. According to myth, the gods and goddesses were immortal, so they cannot die.

Were the Jews in the holocaust afraid of dying?

Most were.

Are more children are dying of hunger compared to adults?


What is the worst type of hunger for a Neopet?

The 'hungriest' a Neopet will get, is the 'Dying' status.

Why are people dying in Africa?

Because they're hungry and dying from hunger and disease.

In hunger games why does Haymitch Abernathy drink so much?

Haymitch drinks because he has survive the hunger games and is traumatized. Wouldn't you be traumatized if you saw a girl being killed by an axe? He drinks to forget this experiences, but coaching the tributes doesn't help, so he constantly needs to drink to try to eliminate those memories.

What is the name of the phobia for being afraid of dying?

Thanatophobia or Thantophobia

What does the name famine mean?

The person's name means either he or she is dying of hunger.