

What are long poems that describe the deeds of heroes are?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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"epic" like beuwolf and the odysee

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Q: What are long poems that describe the deeds of heroes are?
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The long form narrating the deeds and adventure of legendary or historical heroes?


What are long poems that tell stories about famous aryans heroes?

The Mahabharata and the Ramayana are ancient Indian epics that tell the stories of famous Aryan heroes such as Rama and Krishna. These long poems are foundational texts in Hindu mythology and are revered for their epic narratives, moral teachings, and cultural significance.

What does the term 'epika' mean?

"Epika" is a term used to describe a genre of literature that typically includes epic poems or stories that focus on heroes or heroic deeds in a grand or epic scale. It often involves themes of bravery, courage, and adventure.

What is a long narrative poem about gods or heroes called?

An epic poem is a long narrative poem that typically tells the story of gods, heroes, or legendary events. Examples include the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer.

Are epics and ballads types of narrative poems?

Yes, epics and ballads are types of narrative poems. Epics are long, heroic poems that typically recount the deeds of a legendary hero, while ballads are shorter narrative poems that often tell a story of love, adventure, or tragedy in a song-like format.

What type of poem is The Iliad and odyssey?

The Iliad and The Odyssey are epic poems. They are long narrative poems that typically depict heroic deeds and adventures of legendary figures.

A long poem that tells the deeds of a hero is a?

A long poem that tells the deeds of a hero is a?

Different kinds of epics?

Epics are long, narrative poems of a serious subject that contain heroic deeds and events. Different kinds are primary or original epics. Also epyllion which is a little epic.

How long is every episode of heroes?

An episode of heroes is about an hour long please go to (heroes isn't on it)

What purposes did the homer's Iliad and the odyssey serve for ancient Greeks?

For the Ancient Greeks the Iliad and the Odyssey told them how Greece had come to be the dominant power in the western Mediterranean, and also showed them what sort of people their gods were, and how those gods behaved. The Iliad and the Odyssey (and possibly some other epics, which have now been lost) were what the Greeks had instead of history books, and also what they had instead of a Bible.

What do you call long poems such as Homers The Iliad and the odyssey?

"Epic Poems" .

What are differences between poems and novels?

Poems are short and novels are long.