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These are typically known as neuromodulators; they can either change the rate at which a neurotransmitter is released, or alter the response to a certain neurotransmitters.

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Q: What are neurotransmitters that affect a neuron's response to other neurotransmitters called?
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What is the space between neurons where neurotransmitters cross called?

The synapse

What is the medical term meaning chemicals released by neurons that stimulate other cells?

Chemicals released by neurons are called neurotransmitters

What are the chemicals that are released at an axon terminal and can either excite or inhibit other neurons called?

These are called neurotransmitters.

What part of the neuron releases the neurons?

The axon terminals release chemical messengers called neurotransmitters.

The small spaces between neurons where neurotransmitters are released are called alveoli?

The SYNAPSE is the very small space between two neurons and is an important site where communication between neurons occurs.

What is the junction called between 2 communicating neurons?

The connection between two neurons is not a true connection but a gap junction that is used by neurotransmitters between them.

What is the chemical secreted into a gap between neurons at a synapse?

There is not just one chemical secreted into synapses (the gaps between neurons); instead, there are many chemicals secreted from the terminal buttons of neurons into the synapses. They are called "neurotransmitters."

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What role do neurotransmitters play in human behavior?

Humans (as well as many other mammals and other lifeforms) transmit information across their bodies through the use of neurons. At the axon ends of these neurons are tiny sacs called synaptic vesicles that contain special chemicals called neurotransmitters. Since neurons aren't physically connected to one another, they have to releases these neurotransmitters and then have them received by receptors on another neuron. Thus, in order for any behavior to actually present itself in a physical form, a series of messages must be sent from the brain to another part of the body along these neurons through the use of neurotransmitters. Since these neurotransmitters are just freely floating in the body, its easy for them to be modified by external forces. If for example your body wanted to dilute some pain, it could release chemicals that would stop neurotransmitters that would otherwise tell your brain that you're in pain.

Transmit neural messages from neuron to neuron?

Neurons send messages by way of chemical signalers called neurotransmitters. An activated neuron releases neurotransmitters and their collective action can stimulate another neuron. These individual firing sequences are called action potentials.

What is the chain of events for a conscious response starting with stimulus?

It is called the response chain If u want the equation. Is: situmles-receptor -sensory neurons - CNS(central nervous system brain & spinal cords )- motor neurons - effctors - response

Which direction do messages pass down the nerve cells?

Nerve impulses are carried by neurons and passed to other neurons at junctions called synapses. cells pass messages The signal may be directly transferred or can be carried across the gap by chemicals called neurotransmitters.