

What are plasma and hemoglobin combined in blood?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Blood is made of plasma and hemoglobin. Plasma is what hemoglobin and other nutrients, blood cells, etc are suspended in.

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Q: What are plasma and hemoglobin combined in blood?
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By lowering the blood plasma level, the red blood cells are concentrated.

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What is lycemia?

It's when the red blood cells disintegrate, with the release of hemoglobin in the plasma.

Why does blood look red although plasma is yellow?

blood is red because of the hemoglobin (not sure of the answer and spelling)

Most carbon dioxide in the blood is carried bound to hemoglobin?

No, Unlike oxygen, Carbon Dioxide is mostly disolved in the blood plasma only about 23% is disolved in hemoglobin

What is the pigment of blood plasma?

About 55% of our entire blood is blood plasma, it is a fluid and is the blood's liquid medium, it is straw-yellow in color.

What would be obtain from Polythene combined with hemoglobin?

A red blood cell substitute.

How is carbon dioxide carried by the blood?

its carried by the blood through a darker substance. Combined with haemoglobin as carboxyhaemoglobin,as bicarbonates in plasma and By dissolving in blood plasma.

Do platelets contain hemoglobin?

No. Haemoglobin is a substance found in only red blood cells.

What is the red substances in red blood cells called?

Hemoglobin is the red pigment, or red color of Blood.

What is hemoglobin and where is it found?

An Iron containing protein and is located on oxygencontaining molecule.

What gives blood-cells their red color?

Hemoglobin's ironRed blood cells contain hemoglobin, a substance which is rich in iron. The iron is bound to the hemoglobin molecules (the protein). The iron atom that is complexed by "haem" units is what gives the color. Iron is a transition element.