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Q: What are small sac-like structures that is the site of gas exchange in the lungs?
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What happens in the alveoli in the process of gas exchange.?

Alveoli- these are the small sac-like structures where gas exchange occurs with the blood. Its creates an ideal site for gas exchange between the air in the lungs and the blood in the capillaries.

What are the small chambers of the lungs that are involved in the exchange of gases?

The alveoli are small sacs within the lungs where gas exchange occurs. They are located at the ends of bronchiole branches.

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Where does the exchange of gases between blood air occur?

Simply put, the gas exchange occurs in the lungs. More specifically, the blood exchange occurs at the avoli, the "air sacs" in the lungs where the surrounding capillaries can be oxygenated.

Are the capilliaries in the lungs?

There are many capillaries in the lungs. These small blood vessels are the site of gas exchange in the alveoli.

Small sacs in the lungs that exchange gases with blood are what?


What are the micro and macro structures of the lungs?

The macro structures of the lungs are what you can see. They would be the lobes of the lungs, bronchi, large blood vessels, lymph nodes and bronchioles. The micro structures are one you can not see without a microscope. That would be the vey small bronchioles, capillaries and the alveoli.

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Saclike organelles that store materials?

The sac-like organelles that store materials are the lysosomes. These small structures are used to store water, sugar, and food for the plant.

What are the function of Alveolus?

the Alveoli serve as the surface area for the exchange of carbon-dioxide and oxygen within the lungs. These very thin structures contain small capillaries which carry the blood that take in the oxygen and give off CO2.

Where does gas exchange occur in respiratory system?

AlveoliThe aveoli are small sacks in the lungs. A membrane that lines these sacks allows oxygen to move to the blood and carbon dioxide to move from the blood.Alveoli are particular to the lungs of mammals. Different structures are involved in gas exchange in other vertebrates.Air travels down the trachea, through thr bronchioles towards the terminal end of the respiratory tract, the alveoli. It is In the pulmonary alveolus that gas exchange with the surrounding capillary beds occurs. It is worth noting that alveoli are solely mammalian structures, so resporatory gas exchange occurs differently in other vertebrates and invertebrates.alveoli

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