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Frogs are very well-suited to their swampy and amphibious lifestyle. Their strong legs help them to swim quickly, their skin absorbs oxygen and moisture, and their long tongues catch insects from a safe distance.

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9y ago
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8y ago

Frogs have very small ears hidden at the back of their head. They have several eye lids, two of which are translucent or transparent or whatever, so they can see through them while underwater without getting dirt or debris in their eyes.

In addition, frogs have long, webbed hind feet, meaning they can jump and leap very far. They can be a variety of colors to blend in with their habitat, from greens and greys which help them blend in with trees, to reds, browns and yellows which help them blend in with dry leaves. Many species of frogs also have special suction caps on the undersides of their feet, to allow them to better grip surfaces.

Frogs have tiny teeth. These are not used to chew, but to grasp their prey, which can include other frogs, reptiles, birds, bats and other small mammals. They have large eyes which bulge out, enabling them to see in many directions at once. These eyes serve another function - when a frog swallows, its eyes close and retract into its head to help push the food down.

  • the sense of smell and eyes are located so that their body can be partially hidden in the water while finding their dinner without being some other animals dinner
  • Gills to live in the water when they're tadpoles.
  • Frogs have several adaptations. Tree frogs have sticky pads on the bottom of the feet to help them clean the trees, frogs are cold blooded animals and that allows them to survive during the winter months, and they also have very powerful hind legs that helps them to escape predators quickly.
  • Frogs have several adaptations to help them survive. Frogs are very good jumpers, have eyes that help them see predators all around them, have sticky tongues for catching food, and they can breathe through their skin.
  • Being amphibious and having a long sticky tongue to ensnare insects.
  • Amphibians like frog have smooth moist skin.
  • They are exothermic which means that during extreme environmental conditions they hibernate.
  • They respire through poorly developed lungs and moist skin
  • They carry on external fertilization
  • The digestive system is adapted to digest the whole prey, swallowed by it
  • Their brain is well developed and is attached to a dorsal nerve cord
  • the frogs main adaptations are powerful hind legs and a very muscular skeletal build!
  • tadpoles have gills when they come out of there eggs so they get to breath under water
  • Gills to live in the water when they're tadpoles.
  • Frogs can breathe underwater through their skin, and above water with lungs.
  • They have long, sticky tongues to help them catch flying insects more easily.
  • They can also retract their eyes into their skulls, causing a bulge in the roof of their mouths. This helps them swallow food.
  • a frog has a scaly and slimy and in most cases green skin which helps with camoflauge
  • Frogs' tongues are very long, this can get the bugs floating in the air
  • Frogs are adaptable in both land and water environments. They have gills for breathing in water, and lungs for breathing on land. They lay their eggs in water, and can only swim and not walk when they are still tadpoles. Frogs are amphibians, because they adapt in land and water, but mostly spend their time on land.

Frogs have eyes that bulge out to see in all directions, they have legs for jumping and swimming and they have gills and a tail to live in water.
Frogs have gills and a tail to live in water when they are tadpoles. then some go from the cold/warm water to the hot sun.(and web feet)
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8y ago

They are adapted to their aquatice life by having web feet, skin absorbs oxygen from the water gills during its larva stage has a tail while learning how to swim, when a frog is samerged in water.

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15y ago

They actually breathe through their skin, so they don't actually need to adapt. Plus, frogs are born in water, so that when they hatch, they are already in, which they need to be because they are born as tadpoles, which are little fish-like creatures. However, as they grow up, they evolve into frogs.

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12y ago

well it can not breath in the water but it can hold its breath for a longer time than we can . think of it like a dolphin they breath air but can go for a Weill without it:) except a frog can go on land.

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8y ago

A frog like all animals learn to adapt to their environment. In order to live in the water frogs must learn to breathe in oxygen using their skin cells, webbed feet that allow them to move through the water and an ability to adapt and avoid predators.

It has webbed feet
Permeable skin for easy gas exchange, strong legs and webbed feet to help it swim.
frogs have webbed feet, strong legs and they can hold their breath

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Yes. No frog can survive in salty water. Som live in brackish water though

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Of course. You should always read about your frog type before attempting to, but frogs can survive with tap water.

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Frogs lay in water because when they lay their eggs they must lay them in the water because tadpoles cant survive on land. They can only survive in the water.

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What do you call a frog?

A frog is also called an amphibian. Amphibians are close to reptiles but are different in the sense that amphibians can survive on land and water.