

What are some bulimia effects?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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It can kill you.

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Q: What are some bulimia effects?
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Related questions

T is bulimia and what are some of the dangerous side effects of bulimia?

it is binge and pinge side effects are hair falling out,no menstrual cycle,ruins teeth

How quickly do you see effects from bulimia?

There are many effects of bulimia. Some effects, like weight loss, can take weeks to notice. Tooth decay (due to acid from the stomach) can take weeks or months to become very bad. Other effects, like scrpaes on the hands / knuckels and blood-shot eyes can be noticed very quickly. But they, too, can take some time to develop, also.

What is some general information about Bulimia and what is the definition of Bulimia?

Alt. of Bulimy

What are some cure methods for bulimia?


What are the harmful effects of bullemia?

The potential side effects of bulimia include heart problems, electrolyte issues, intestinal problems, and throat issues. A full list of negative effects can be found on the WebMD website.

What are some ways you can prevent bulimia?

eat your food.

What disorder is characterized by binging and purging?

It's not an eating disorder 'caused by', but rather 'classified by' and it is known as Bulimia Nervosa. Google it.

How do you talk to your husband about bulimia?

bulimia is a eating disorder.ok bulimia is a eating disorder.ok

What are the types of bulimia?

there are 2 types of bulimia, they are Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Eating Disorder.

What is the prognosis for bulimia nervosa?

There are many different outcomes for people with bulimia. Often, they can suffer some very serious medical complications and harm. Bulimia does have a high death rate, too. If treated, bulimics can make a full recovery, though.

Which is more deadly anorexia or bulimia?

Both are deadly, it depends on how long a person suffers. A person with anorexia is in a state of self-starvation and will die due to the effects of starvation. A person with bulimia binges and purges, purging is deadly, people sometimes die on their first purge, others do it for years without dying. It's a gamble. Personally I would say bulimia, though I am NOT dismissing the dangers of anorexia, they both lead to death, but from my experience, bulimia is more dangerous.

Can bulimia lead to not being able to have children?

Yes. Bulimia will mess up your stomach, throat, mouth, and parts of the rest of your body. Some bulimics will not be able to have children.