

What are some details about the Bermuda Triangle?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the "devil's triangle" is an area of the Atlantic Ocean off southeast Florida, where the disappearance of ships and airplanes on a number of occasions has led to speculation about unexplainable turbulences and and other atmospheric disturbances. Violent storms and downward air currents frequently occur there.

Without doubt the vast majority of disappearances are either hoaxes or incompetent and ill prepared people.

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Q: What are some details about the Bermuda Triangle?
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Some animals in the Bermuda Triangle are eels, Sargasso Sea Horse, and Parasitic Isopods

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No there are no pyramids in the bermuda triangle Idiot

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No it was not the bermuda triangle is an area of ocean.

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why did they name the Bermuda triangle the Bermuda triangle

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No, she did not have anything to do with the Bermuda Triangle.

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none has pssed the bermuda triangle

What are some early disappearences in the Bermuda triangle?

Most recently, US. nuclear submarine, 'scorpion' , had been lost in Bermuda triangle in May, 1968.

What will kind of power will work in the Bermuda triangle?

The power in the Bermuda triangle is electricity, gasoline, cooking oil, some wind turbines and solar power.

What does The map of to Bermuda triangle look like?

The Bermuda Triangle is made up of an imaginary line drawn from Miami Beach, Florida to Puerto Rico, and then to Bermuda, which forms the triangle. Wikipedia has a map and additional information about the Bermuda Triangle.