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The majority of core tenets found in Christianity completely go against the teachings of Judaism.

Examples of Christian tenets that Judaism doesn't accept:

  • Salvation: The Christian concept of salvation and grace
  • Sin: The concept of original sin: Jews are born with a clean slate
  • Damnation: The concept of damnation: Jews do not have a hell or any place for the wicked that is eternal and painful
  • Afterlife: The concept of heaven and hell: See above
  • Devil: The existence of the devil: Jews believe that the Satan is in God's good graces.
  • Messiah: The Christian concept of of Messiah: Jews believe the Messiah to be a man of similar prophetic capacity to Moses
  • Trinity: The concept of the trinity: Jews believe in One God without partition or difference
  • Intermediaries: Praying through intermediaries: Jews pray directly to God without priests
  • Son of God: The concept of a literal child of God: Jews do not hold this.
  • Expiation: The idea that one man can atone for the sins of another: Jews hold that every man atones for his own sins.

These are just some examples, there are far more differences between Judaism and Christianity.

As specifically concerns Quakerism, there are additional specific differences between Judaism and Quakerism that Judaism does not necessarily have with all strains of Christianity.

  • Pacifism: Quakers hold that people should abstain from all forms violence against his fellow man. Judaism has no such doctrine and Jews have historically fought in an army that would allow them to serve. Judaism contains a just war theory as well.
  • Solo Scriptorum: The idea that Bible alone shows God's will without scriptural interpretive works. Quakerism holds this, while Judaism holds that additional sources are necessary.
  • Weakness of Dogma: Quakerism does not necessarily hold all of the laws to have immutable status and foundational structures can be altered. Judaism has religious legal discussions to determine the applicability of old laws to newer or unique situations, but does not discuss the removal or alteration of old doctrines.
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14y ago

Despite the answer below, there is a great difference between Quakers and Christians. The Quaker movement branched from The Anglican Church post-reformation. Quakers carried on with the reformational movement and removed Church Christianity (ie, the use of priests, scarements, saints, bishops, etc, as a buffer between the worshipper and God). They also meet and can stay in complete silence, worshipping God from within (ie, somewhat Mystical Christianity where God is inside).

So, in terms of differences, these can be found in the lack of scarements, saints, bishops, priests, and no large grandeous churches (Quakers have simple worship).


There is no diference, Quakers are Christians. They are just another school of Christian thinking.

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14y ago

Most modern Quakers (members of the Society of Friends) do not live the plain lifestyle that the Amish do. They dress in modern clothing and use modern conveniences and electronics.

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14y ago

The Quakers are a independent Christian movement that originated in England in the 17th century.

The Amish are a Mennonite (Anabaptist) sect founded in the 16th century in Switzerland.

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11y ago

Jews are jewish. Quakers belong to a branch of christianity

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