

What are some disadvantages of plate tectonics?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are some disadvantages of plate tectonics?
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What are the characteristics for plate tectonics?

some charactristics for plate tectonics are that they are made up of lithospheric materials.

What are the disadvantages of plate tectonics?

they cause bare tsunami's and earthquakes init

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plate tectonics=D

How do volcanoes help plate tectonics?

Volcanoes don't help plate tectonics; volcanoes are the result of plate tectonics.

What is The theory that describes large scales movements of the lithosphere called?

Plate tectonics

What theory states that plates move around on the athenosphere?

the crust cracks and magma fills in the space

Are plate tectonics flat?

yes plate tectonics are flat

What are the huge sections of the earth's crust that move called?

plate tectonics

What are some evidence of plate tectonics?

The ring of fire.

There are many indications of plate tectonics on Mars?

No plate tectonics on Mars

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What is the difference between earth tectonics and martian tectonics?

Plate tectonics on earth are vigorous and ongoing. Plate tectonics on Mars are a matter of debate. Long thought to be only in Mars distant past, there is a shift in opinion on the question of plate tectonics on Mars, and some (not all) scientists now believe that there is mild and sporadic plate tectonics happening on Mars to this day. But all agree that if that is the case, it is a fraction of those happening on earth.