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Textile Machines, Railroads, and Steel

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Q: What are some examples of technological innovations that aided the growth of the industrial revolution?
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What are some examples of technological innovations?

Some examples of technological innovations include everything ever made from Television sets to the motor inside a car. Recent innovations include smartphones (iPhones, Android, etc.) and tablets.

What are the examples of change in the industrial revolution?

Dramatic changes in the social and economic structure took place as inventions and technological innovations created the factory system of large-scale machine production and greater economic specialization, and as the labouring population, formerly employed predominantly in agriculture (in which production had also increased as a result of technological improvements), increasingly gathered in great urban factory centers

What are some examples of primary sources from the Industrial Revolution?

Primary sources are ones that were there during the time. The examples of these from the Industrial Revolution would include journals, newspapers, and even employment papers of that time.

What are some examples of topics for a research proposal concerning technological innovations?

Super Capacitors big enough to replace batteries used to store power for a household.

Why successful application of innovative technologies and systems often difficult Give an examples any failed innovations?

Successful applications of innovative technologies and systems are often difficult because it takes people awhile to learn new concepts. There are also several examples of failed innovations that are not technological related, including the product Ben-Gay.

The Industrial Revolution was the development and use of?

the army========Usually industrial revolution refers to establishment of factories using heavy machinery to do jobs formerly done by hand, for examples mills to spin thread and weave cloth.

What is an example of a revolution?

A group of people overthrow the monarch of their country and set up a democratic government.

What were at least there technological innovations that improved exploration in the 1500s?

There would have been technical improvements in rope and cordage, in sails, in understanding the magnetic compass, in food storage. I will not give any specific examples, but the above and similar should help.

How did the Industrial Revolution impact the American Society socially?

well the industrial revolution changed how we live today and also how we get around and all of our new inventions we use today was used back then and made back then so we can use it today

What are the examples of technological discoveries in communication?


What are examples of technological process?

kidney transplant..

What are two examples of technological discoveries in education?
