

Best Answer

Only you can come up with a good name! Book Titles come from the story, not from some anonymous person on the internet! Titles are not as important as some writers think, also - your title might change many times between your first write and your final draft!

Think about your story - what is going on and who are the people involved?

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Book titles, movie titles, TV show titles, play titles, and music album titles should be underlined when used in writing.

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Do the titles of art get put in quotes?

Book titles are italicized if possible. If not, they are underlined.

What are some good and not used book titles?

You seem to think there's some giant list somewhere of book titles - there isn't! Writers make up titles based on what they have written. See the link to learn how to create your own book titles.

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Do you underline book titles when you type?

No you italicise it.

What books can teach people how to play bridge?

The book Bridge For Dummies is an excellent book that teaches people how to play bridge. A few other great titles are: Teach Yourself Visually Bridge or Teach Me To Play: A First Bridge Book.

Where is it possible to get inspiration for book titles?

Inspiration for book titles can be found by talking to family and friends, or by making a list of words or phrases that fit the theme of your book and choosing one that you like.

Quotes or indent for book titles?

Book titles should be placed in quotation marks (" ") if referring to a shorter work within a larger body of work, such as an essay or a chapter. If the book title is being referenced on its own, it should be italicized or underlined.

What are some titles for a book about pyramids?

i know a book, called Napoleon's Pyramids