

Best Answer
AnswerI believe there is only one diet for all kinds of weight loss; Eat healthy and exercise every day. If you a strong coffee drinker I'd recommend switching to green tea with little or no sugar, it's a lot more healthy and will help you lose weight faster!


You should also see the pie chart for how much different types of food should be split, such as carbohydrates and protein. It can help weight loss greatly!



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Q: What are some good exercises and a good diet to get rid of a post-pregnancy belly?
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Are there any yoga exercises to lose the belly fat ?

Yoga is a good exercise program for strengthening and toning the body and as such would help to lose belly fat. Any good gym will be able to help you choose good exercises for losing belly fat. Keep in mind that you also will need to control your diet for optimum results.

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Diet + Exercise is the best solution to lose your belly fat. Follow a diet plan which will suit you. Do cardio exercises at least 30 minutes a day Do strength training exercises on alternate days along with cardio exercise.

What are some good exercises for losing belly fat?

Abdominal exercises such as sit ups and abdominal crunches can help you slim, but the most effective way is through an increase in whole grains within your daily diet.

Is the flat belly safe diet a safe diet?

The Flat Belly Diet is a safe way to lose weight. It is a reduced calorie diet, and can be adapted to meet anyone's dietary needs. It is good for your heart and overall health.

Is the flat belly diet a healthy, effective form of weight loss?

There are many good reviews on the flat belly diet. As with any diet, if used correctly and responsibly, you will see great results. Always consult a physician before starting any diet.

What type of diet and exercise should you use for weight loss?

Good question, there are exercises for weight gain and for weight loss. For weight loss, experts recommend aerobics, belly dancing, yoga, martial arts, skating, swimming, and ballroom dancing. Complement your exercise plan with a healthy diet, and be patient.

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Eat good protein diet and sleep more

How do you get bp down to 110 from 120?

More cardiovascular exercises, good rest, and a clean diet.

What exercises help reduce belly fat specifically?

Most fitness experts recommend a workout regimen that combines cardiovascular exercises with strength training exercises. Specifically, sit-ups, crunches, belly twists and tucks are good choices for reducing fat around the waistline. Start slowly and gradually build the intensity and difficulty of your workouts.

How do you lost belly fat and arm fat quickly?

Eat to lose weight. Skip junk food and sugary-filled snacks and drinks. ... Pump up the cardio. Add at least 30 to 60 minutes of cardio each day. ... Make fat-burning decisions. ... Tone your triceps. ... Work your biceps. ... Cut your abs. Want to burn LBs of deep fast instantly at home? Check out the link in my Bio.

What is a good diet pill you can take from Walmart that will get rid of belly fat?

There is no such pill. Not from Walmart or anywhere else.

Is rice good for a diet to six pack abs?

Rice really is not a good diet to get six pack abs. You need to eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. You also need to do ab exercises.