

What are some hydrocarbons?

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13y ago

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Probably infinite. You can often join 2 hydrocarbons together to get further hydrocarbons, just like you can combine 2 numbers together to get more.

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Q: What are some hydrocarbons?
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Are hydrocarbons poisons?

Yes, many hydrocarbons are toxic or carcinogenic.

How harmful is hydrocarbons to the environment?

Hydrocarbons are a very diverse category. Some of them can be bad for you if you are exposed to them. Some are essential for you to live.

Is food hydrocarbons?

No, but foods can contain some hydrocarbons. While most hydrocarbons are toxic to humans, one form in particular is used in many food preparations: paraffin wax.

Are hydrocarbons volatile?

Volatile hydrocarbons are hydrocarbons that are liquid at normal pressure and temperature but have a high vapor pressure and therefore evaporate rapidly. Some examples of volatile hydrocarbons include toluene, methylene chloride, and acetone.

Are hydrocarbons bad for humans?

some are good and some are bad

What is the tar?

a mixture of hydrocarbons and probably some 'dirt'

What is the chemical tar?

a mixture of hydrocarbons and probably some 'dirt'

What physical property of hydrocarbons is used for fractional distillation?

If the hydrocarbons are in the liquid state then their differential boiling points are used in separation - fractional distillation. Some hydrocarbons are also separated by their differential solubility in some organic solvents. =)

What is the difference between hydrocarbons and crude oil?

separation of hydrocarbons means separation crude oil of unpuerties also separation hydrocarbon gases but in case separation of crude oil only oil

What is a compound that contains carbon and hydrogen atoms?

Compounds that contain ONLY carbon and hydrogen are named as 'hydrocarbons'. Some examples;_ Methane, Ethene, Octane. Alcohols and carboxylic acids are NOT hydrocarbons, because they also contain oxygen.

Are epoxies classed as hydrocarbons?

They are not hydrocarbons.

What are examples of hydrocarbons?

Methane, Ethane, Ethene, Ethyne, Propane, Propene, Propyne etc are all examples of hydrocarbon.