

What are some of the benefits of a grapefruit diet?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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There are many benefits to a grapefruit diet. First of all, grapefruits are very low in calories. Limiting your calories will help with weightloss. It is also a fruit, which will add some healthy vitamins and fiber to your diet.

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Q: What are some of the benefits of a grapefruit diet?
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Where can I find out more about grapefruit diet?

The grapefruit diet has been around since 1930. If you are interested in trying this diet, please see the following:

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Around what time is the grapefruit diet believed to have started?

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Is the grapefruit diet a diet that produces results?

As with any diet there will be those who say the grapefruit diet has produced results for them. One fact to remember is that this diet does not meet the governments requirements for a balanced diet.

Is it good to be on a grapefruit diet while pregnant?

No you should not do the grapefruit diet while pregnant. The grapefruit diet is formulated for rapid weight loss and would not provide enough nutrients for the growing baby.

What is the grapefruit diet like?

The Grapefruit diet is a 12-day plan that promotes quick weight loss, by eating 1/2 grapefruit at every meal. A web site devoted to the diet can be found at

How successful has the grapefruit diet been?

The grapefruit diet hasn't seem to be too successful lately. If it has, then more people would have figured out about the diet and the diet itself would just be more popular.

What are the advantages of being on a grapefruit diet?

Some great advantages of eating a grapefruit diet would be because it's full of fantastic vitamins specially vitamin C,then it's also great for putting off some of the most weight in a short period.

Is the grapefruit diet FDA approved?

no it is the worst diet ever created. if you do this diet your retarted

Is the grapefruit diet a safe diet?

The grapefruit diet has been known to be a good, celeberty used diet. However, it is not very good for your body as it can lack nutrients and make your body, "shut down", in a way.