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As you probably suspect, there are no non-mathematical situations in which you would use the quadratic formula.

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Q: What are some real life situations that would use the quadratic formula?
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Related questions

What is the use of quadratic formula if it is not used into real life?

The question is based on the false assumption that the quadratic formula is not used in daily life. Wrong, it IS!

Real life application of a quadratic function?

I think its the dropping of a golf ball off a building! This is because the formula for velocity when something is dropped is a quadratic formula, that is of degree 2.

What are the pros and cons of the quadratic equation?

Pros: There are many real life situations in which the relationship between two variables is quadratic rather than linear. So to solve these situations quadratic equations are necessary. There is a simple equation to solve any quadratic equation. Cons: Pupils who are still studying basic mathematics will not be told how to solve quadratic equations in some circumstances - when the solutions lie in the Complex field.

When do you ever need to use the quadratic formula in life?

Nearly every day on Wikianswers!

What are real life examples of quadratics?

examples of quadratic equation in word problem form with real life situations like sports baseball, hockey

What is the use of quadratic equation in your real life?

Chemist use the quadratic equation all the time to find concentrations in equilibrium reactions.Mechanics in physics, kinematics to be precise, use this formula to find position, time velocity or acceleration of moving objects.X = Vot + 1/2at2--------------------------------a quadratic formula

Give some examples where Quadratic equations is used in daily life?

Quadratic equations can be used in solving problems where the formula is given, falling object problems and problems involving geometric shapes.All types of engineering professions use the quadratic formula since it applies to ordinary differential equations.

How is the slope intercept formula used in real life situations?

Roller Coasters

Can factoring using the quadratic formula be apply to everyday life?

If you are in the mathematics field then you might be using it everyday; otherwise... not so much

Do you have to pass math in six grade?

The only thing that you really need to know is the quadratic formula, its uses in everyday life. that's all

When can you use quadratic equations in real life?

Basically, we use mathematics in 'real life' to make real life more understandable. To this, we would use quadratic equations to model processes that (at least to a certain degree) resemble reality. One such example of a quadratic equation is v^2 = u^2 + 2as. This formula determines the final speed that you are going based on a constant acceleration. The reason we are able to use a quadratic equation here is because the cars force is relatively constant, and F=ma so the acceleration is constant. However, because drag has a large impact on forces at high speeds, this equation is not suitable for those speeds. For interest's sake, the drag formula states that Force is proportional to velocity^3.

When will you apply surds in real life?

You will apply them when solving quadratic equations in which the quadratic expression cannot be factorised.