

What are some rules for boiling foods?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are some rules for boiling foods?
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Does boiling carrots rid them of the nutrients and minerals that they offer?

As with all foods, cooking may remove some nutrients but there are still many that remain.

Why do you put salt in with boiling water and vegetables?

It is commonplace to put salt in water when boiling most foods. The reason why you put salt in with boiling water and vegetables is to help them retain moisture.

Why are delicate foods such as brains and fish unsuitable for boiling?

because they flake apart

Why cant Jewish people eat some foods?

Because the Torah has a section detailing what foods are and are not suitable for eating. Jews follow these rules as part of our path to living a righteous life.

Why do foods require longer microwave cooking time at higher atitudes?

The boiling point of water goes down at higher altitudes, and so foods take longer to cook (because the temperature of the food doesn't usually exceed the boiling point of water).See the Related Questions about how elevation effects the boiling point of water.

The rules that limit what foods Jews may eat and how those foods are to be prepared are called?

Kashrut, or "Keeping Kosher"

What are the lawful and unlawful foods in Christianity?

Christianity does not have any rules about what you can or can not eat.

Which methods of cooking makes food taste bland?

Boiling in plain water. That can take the flavor out of foods.

Why might cooking foods in boiling water reduce their mineral content?

i dont know !! just do your work

What are some example sentences for the words boiling point?

The boiling point of water is 212 degrees Fahrenheit.The boiling point of ethanol is 173.1 degrees Fahrenheit.

How do you cook healthy foods?

You can cook healthy foods by using low-fat ingredients and by baking, boiling, roasting, broiling, grilling or steaming rather than frying.

How does altitude effect boiling points?

The higher the pressure, the higher the boiling point. Boiling occurs when the atmospheric pressure equals the vapor pressure. So, at higher altitudes where the atmospheric pressure is lower, the vapor pressure is also lower which in turn creates a lower boiling point which causes foods to have to cook longer.