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Understand and accept them. Like them, and let them know that you do. That's all you need. We tend to be very hurt by any criticism, so if it's necessary to criticize something on the job, be very sweet and gentle, and create more good moments than negative ones.

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Q: What are some tips for helping a coworker with Asperger's Syndrome?
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Do children with aspergers syndrome ever exhibit the traits of ADHD?

Some of them do.

Can people with Aspergers Syndrome also have symptoms of Tourette Syndrome?

Yes they can. People with Asperger's shockingly and usu. have a combination such as having Aspergers and OCD, or ADD, depression, anxiety, and Tourettes. In some cases developing schizophrenia can occur.

What problems did bill gates face?

He has aspergers syndrome. Which can cause some problems in someones life.

Do some people with Aspergers Syndrome have selective mutism?

I have aspergers and find myself a chatterbox to a friend and rather silent to my mother. IDK :p She gets annoyed though but what can i say? People with aspergers may or may not experience selected mutism.

How do you cure Asperger's Syndrome?

You cannot cure Asperger's Syndrome. It is a neurological condition that affects how the brain works, so rather than curing it, people with Asperger's Syndrome can learn or be taught some methods to deal with some of its effects. They can also be given medications that can treat some of the symptoms, but not the cause. There is no cure for Aspergers Syndrome. There are a number of ways that a person with Aspergers can be helped to live a good quality, independent life which is sometimes made difficult by the condition.

Do people with asperger's syndrome get married?

I don't think there are fixed odds of people with Aspergers getting married, mainly because you can't speak for everyone with Aspergers as a whole. Some Aspies would like the idea, some wouldn't, it really depends on who you ask.

Do most children with Aspergers Syndrome have bad handwriting?

It all just really depends what they are like. Some can write big and sloppy and some can write neat and tidy. An Aspergers person can write neater or sloppier than anyone else. It doesn't change them, just how they behave and socialize. Edit: Poor handwriting is in fact more common in Aspergers. But not always.

What are the symptoms of aspergers syndrome?

Some of the symptoms of aspergers include failure to make eye contact, failure to pick up on facial cues, unusual facial expressions, and an inability to connect with others. These symptoms may change as a person gets older and learns how to better adapt to society. is an excellent resource to learn more about syndrome, as well as

Did Sherlock Holmes have aspergers syndrome?

The character of Sherlock Holmes does indeed display some characteristics of Aspergers Syndrome with obsessive attention to detail, lack of empathy and social skills including a genius-like intelligence. One symptom in particular is "being preoccupied with only one or few interests, which he/she may be very knowledgeable about" is right on-target in describing the detective.

How would an Aspie gain the trust of a Neurotypical?

Within the category of neurotypical people there is a wide range. Some are not flexible enough to ever trust a person with Aspergers Syndrome. Some are. Friendship is basically the same whether you have Aspergers Syndrome or not. You and your friend have mutual interests, you are helpful to each other, you forgive each others faults, you do the best you can within your limitations. Everyone makes compromises, regardless of their typical or atypical mental condition.

What year aspergers syndrome was intoduced?

Hans Asperger first wrote a paper about some characteristics of aspergers in 1943 (he did some research on a group of boys in the 1930's). Back then and up to the 1960s Asperger's was known as autisic psychopathy. A woman curious aobut the studies of Han's Asperger encouraged the name to be after the founder. Hans Asperger's information or rather data on Aspergers was not translated into English and brought to US till around 1994 or so.

How do you spot someone with aspergeous syndrome?

This is very difficult. Aspergers is a disorder and has many characteristics and mannerisms, but other people may have the some of the same but not all of them. It is tricky and unless you are trained to do this it isn't easy.