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Your summary is the paragraph where you repeat the facts you've already given in different words.

List all of your most important facts or points. Try to put them into a logical order.

Repeat your thesis or topic statement for emphasis, and explain how the facts support that thesis.

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7y ago

To begin your paragraph, you must first know what the paragraph is about. If you have not decided, write your topic or writing idea down. Make a list of everything you know about this topic - look up facts if you need to!

Your first paragraph, opening paragraph, introductory paragraph - whatever you want to call it! - will tell the reader what to expect from the writing to come. If you're writing a formal essay or report, you will need a strong topic sentence or thesis statement - see the Related Questions - and if you're writing informal nonfiction, you just need a good introduction.

Often, writers will use what they call a "hook" statement, which is a bit of interesting information that will catch the reader's attention. While you were looking up all that information for your essay or report, you saw all sorts of odd and amazing facts - here's where you can use one of more of them! You can also use other techniques to engage your readers.

Here are some ideas for a "catchy" beginning:

  • State a surprising fact - if you're writing a report about bees or honey, you could begin with the statement "Honey is the only food that never spoils." For a geography report about Rome, how about "There is a city called Rome on every continent"? You can then lead into your main topic, now that you've caught the reader's attention. One note - be sure that your surprising fact relates to the topic, or you will defeat the whole purpose!
  • Use a quotation - most of the time, you can find a catchy quote that somebody else has said which says exactly what you wanted to say! Why not use that to start your paragraph? June Foray once said "I spent most of the afternoon writing a new introduction to my autobiography," which just goes to show that everyone can have trouble with introductory paragraphs.
  • Give a definition - this works especially well if your topic is a term or phrase which can be easily defined in a short sentence. Tell the readers what an important term means, and they instantly know two things: what your topic is about, and what it actually means.
  • Give an anecdote - an anecdote is a little story which shows an example and illustrates whatever you're talking about. If you have an interesting story that exemplifies your point, use it to catch the reader's interest. For example: "When we went to Disneyworld, I shot an entire roll of film before I realized that I'd forgotten to take off the lens cap! Since then, I have always remembered to follow these steps for taking good photographs."
  • Use humor - humor can be a powerful attention-getter, but you need to use it in the right place. If you're trying to stir the reader's emotion about a negative event, such as pollution or injustice, you don't want to defuse things with a laugh. However, a good chuckle works well with dry, informative text or recitation of facts. Often, you can combine the humor into one of the other techniques, and give a funny quote or humorous anecdote. For example: "French poet Gerard de Nerval had a pet lobster, and often took it for walks. Lobsters usually live in the ocean however."
  • Do it backwards - one good tip for writing a catchy opening is ... wait until you've finished the paper! Don't worry about that starting line; just write the report or essay. Then, once you've gotten all your facts and figures in place, read over your work. You can usually spot a good way to begin when you do this, and can easily search out a quotation or anecdote that ties in perfectly. In fact, many writers end up totally re-doing their introductory paragraph once they've finished the work and read over it!
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  • Technically, a good intro paragraph should inform the reader what they are about to read. From a creative writing view, it should set the scene and include a "hook" to lure the reader. It often introduces characters and sets the environment, timeline, political situation, etc.. From an academic standpoint an introduction often contains three parts: a generalised statement of the topic and its importance to the paper (which also serves to limit the paper), an outline or plan for what the paper contains, and a thesis statement which gives a clear view of what the paper will prove or show.
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9y ago

There are a few different ways one could develop a paragraph using a summary or synthesis. When writing a summary, one could state the main idea and then break down the parts of the paragraph into steps with each sentence in order to explain the sum of its parts. When one synthesizes information, one can concisely condense the most germane portions of a story into a paragraph so that all the main points are covered.

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13y ago

When you are writing a persuasive paragraph try an use powerful facts, ones that will shock people. Also use repetition, by repeating one line three times through out your paragraph it makes your message stick.

e.g. we can save the planet... we could save the planet if... we are going to save the planet.

and make sure that no matter if you want to write it or not, you stick all of your concentration and some emotions into the paragraph and it should be a great persuasive piece.

i hope this helps

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As many as you want. However it is not good to make paragraphs too long. Generally one topic for one paragraph. If for example you are doing non fiction writing about a country don't write about the population and industry in one paragraph make a separate paragraph for each topic/subject. If you are doing fiction writing when you move from one scene or action to another the start a new paragraph. A paragraph is a piece of writing consisting of one or more sentences, as many sentences as are necessary, to express a distinct idea or sequence of action, or a quotation of the words of one speaker.

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WikiAnswers will not write your paragraph for you, but we WILL help you learn how to do it yourself! Click on the Related Questions for even more information. Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? Look up some facts about North Carolina and decide which one will be the main topic of your essay. How would you describe this fact to your friend? If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

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Having clear, logical organization makes your writing more effective! You can use any one of a number of types of organization - some of them will be more effective than others for your particular writing, of course.The trick is to make it logical. You need to think about whether what you are writing is going to make more sense in one order or the other.List all of your facts so you can see them. Now, try out different orders for them. Will your paragraph work better in a "general to specific" order, or would a list of examples be best?Click on the related questions to see some ways of developing your paragraph!

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