

What are symptoms of Malaria?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Some of the general symptoms are

  • fever of 106
  • Headaches
  • muscular pain
  • nausea
  • muscle aches
  • tiredness
  • chills
  • shaking chills

Check out Related link for specific symptoms.

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Q: What are symptoms of Malaria?
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Related questions

Where can one find information on the symptoms of malaria?

Information on the symptoms of malaria can be found on the following websites: Mmv, Malariaconsortium and Blackhealthonline. A doctor or pharmacist would also have information on malaria symptoms.

What are the symptoms of the disease malaria?

The pathognomonic sign of malaria is stepladder like fever with chills. Some symptoms of malaria are chills, headache, fatigue and muscle-aches.

How many symptoms does malaria have?


What are the primary symptoms of malaria?

Symptoms of malaria can appear as quickly as about a week after exposure, however, other times, symptoms may not appear for as long as eight or ten months. Common symptoms during the early stages of malaria include: fever, chills, headache, sweats, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.

What are the symptoms and vectors to malaria?

Symptoms Vectorshigh fever mosquitoschillsswollen lymph nodes

How soon do symptoms of malaria appear?

From the NHS website:"Symptoms of malaria usually appear 10-15 days after you are bitten. However, depending on the type of parasite you are infected with, it can take a year for symptoms to show."

Can malaria cause insomnia?

Yes, insomnia is a symptom of malaria. In a study 69% of patients with malaria complained of insomnia. More common symptoms are fever and sweats.

What is description of malaria?

malaria is a parasitic disease that involves high fevers, shaking chills, flu-like symptoms, and anemia.(

How do you know when you have malaria?

Symptoms of malaria include a cyclical pattern of fever, chills, headache, sweats, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.

Can you get malaria without fever?

Sure. There are other symptoms of malaria that do not necessarily include having a fever.HeadachesChillsDiarrhoeaMuscular painLethargySicknessCoughing fitsAbdominal pains

What are the symptoms of maleria?

There are several symptoms of malaria. Some of the most common symptoms are headaches, chills, nausea, high fever, and vomiting.

Can malaria infect the brain?

yes because there is a type of malaria called cerebal malaria which infects the brain symptoms are high fever (of up to 107 degrees fahrenheit), chills, and headache.