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There are multiple different theories about the universe.

1. The Big Bang Theory - The theory that the universe originated sometime between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago from the cataclysmic explosion of a small volume of matter at extremely high density and temperature.

2. Study Sate - The Big Crunch Theory is made possible by Big Bang cosmology, which states that all matter in the universe is now racing away from all other matter. If there is enough matter in the universe to create a gravitational force sufficient to bring this movement to a halt and to reverse its direction, then at some point in the remote future all matter in the universe will converge into an infinitely dense point in space, resembling a massive black hole. The end of the universe would then resemble its beginning-a singularity at which the laws of physics as we know them no longer apply.

3. String Thoery - the String Thoery means that when they are pulled, a big bang happened! When the big bang theory happened, thu Universe expanded, it never started then! It started expanding but never formed. Scientist stil have not found what started the universe. Its all o total mystery! We all want to know how and why "god" made this "planet". but, its still not found. We all also want to know when the universe will end. that would be so nice. I know they say it will be in 2012, but no!

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7y ago

This is a heavily argued debate, and I do not wish to offend anybody by what I have written.

  • Some Christians say that the Universe was created by God, as it says in The Bible. Those Christians say that God created the world in six days, and then rested on the seventh. This is the genesis story.
  • Other Christians say that, while the genesis story is true, there may have been millions of years between each 'day'.
  • Still other Christians say that God started the Big Bang, and betters the world through evolution.

Scientists, however, say that the world started with the Big Bang.

  • The Big Bang Theory states that the universe exploded into being in the space of a few seconds. According to this theory, the universe expanded from about a few millimeters across to the size it is today.

Scientists also say that we evolved from other creatures, and so did the other animals we have today, like the T-Rex and the chicken.

  • Evolution is the complication of cells. Evolution takes single-celled organisms, like those in the Precambrian period, and subdivides the cells until you have the complicated creatures of today.

A creationist's perspective:

Scientists have all sorts of ideas. Perhaps there is some truth to what they propose. But fact is, none of them were there 'in the beginning' when the Universe was created.

According to The Bible, the Creator himself was there.

The Bible teaches that even long before the Universe was created; God had already created some things. These things would be non-physical (because the Universe is 'physical', made from elements that had not been created as yet.)

The Bible indicates that the first things God created were things like himself. God is 'a spirit', and he created other 'spirit beings'. They are called 'angels' in the Bible. God and the angels do not live in the Universe. In fact 1st Kings 8:27 states that: "the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain" God. They are outside the 'physical' things. They are not subject to the laws of the Universe.

Then at some point-in-time, God created 'physical things'; namely the Universe, --AND-- it's various 'forces' (example: heat, temperature / light / gravity / magnetism / E=MC2, etc etc)

Perhaps God used a 'Big Bang' method. Perhaps something else. No scientist knows for sure. Only God knows, and of course his angels, because they were there with God. Perhaps God used the angels to create different things.

The Bible does not say HOW God did this. But no doubt God used something from within himself. For example, If God is the Source of all Energy; scientists tell us that 'energy' can be converted into 'mass' or into something 'physical'. Perhaps this is an explanation of how he did it.

Perhaps sometime in the future, Almighty God the Creator will tell his human creation how he did it. But we might not understand, because we are simply humans. If the energy of the sun can instantly kill us; what might 'full knowledge' do to our physical state? If the 'light' from God can blind and kill us; what might 'full knowledge' do? Perhaps God tells us only what we can handle. He expects from us that we have 'faith' and 'trust' in Him, in his Love, and in his Wisdom.

Perhaps we could liken it to a little newborn baby. If the parents told the baby how his conception and birth happened; the baby would not understand. It is but a baby. In my days, when I was 12 years old, my parents explained to me where babies came from; but even at 12, I did not believe it. It was tooooo unreal to be true. But in time, I started to understand. Perhaps we're in the same situation in relation to God telling us 'how he created the Universe.' We just couldn't grasp it, yet.
It is not known how it was created, but science believes it was created by a big explosion that they called "Big Bang" and in this explosion all was created from nothing. The church believes God created our world in 7 days, but does not mention the Universe, but probably by saying our world it also refer to the Universe

But if u see this question in the light of science and Islam you might find an clear answer to your question: It is important to to mention quran here because what science has dicovered recently, was mentioned in quran 1400 years ago.


Only in recent years has modern science been able to unravel some of the mysteries surrounding the workings of the universe. If one goes back fourteen hundred years only ignorance prevailed. Illiteracy was the norm, and education reserved for a privileged few. Yet in this environment the Holy Qur'an stated details concerning the, universe that only the Creator of the universe could know. The Qur'an describes these natural phenomenon to focus man's attention to the wisdom, benevolence and authority of his Creator. The more modem science unfolds the reality of these phenomena, the more the truth of the Qur' an is evident to us, at a time when the names of different scientific fields still do not exist, let alone there begin scientific research conducted on them.

In the 1920's Edwin Hubble put forward the idea that the universe was not static and unchanging but continually expanding. Later in 1964 two American scientists, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson said that the physical universe began from single entity, naming it the' Cosmic Egg", which in turn burst and resulted in the creation of different strata of the universe. The Qur' an, however, clearly stated fourteen hundred years ago:

"Why do not the unbelievers realize that the heavens and the earth were one piece, then we parted them and we made every- thing of water. Will they not believe?" (AI-Anbiya 21:30)

The two Arabic words used in the verse are Ratq and Fatq. Ratq means to bind and fuse together forming a homogenous mass. Fatq, the opposite of ratq means an action to break, diffuse or separate.

As to the words "We made everything from water," these are consistent with our recent knowledge of biological science that all life began in water. Also with regard to the theory that the universe is continually expanding the Qur' an stated:

"And He keeps creating what you do not know" (An-NahI16:8)

"And He keeps expanding His creation as He wills." (AI-Fatir 35:1)

Moreover in reference to the creation of the universe the Qur'an states:

"Allah is the one who made the skies and the earth and what is in between in six days." (As-Sajidah 32:4)

The Arabic word for day is Yawm but that does not refer to the day as we know it to be since it refers to a time before the sun and earth were created. There are verses in the Qur' an (As- Sajidah 32:5, AI-Ma'arij 70:4) indicating that it means a long period of time, even up to millions and billions of years.

However this does not mean one should justify changing the meaning of the Qur' anic verses to bring them in line with scientific discoveries, nor regard scientific interpretation as final, because scientific knowledge is itself constantly changing and evolving. There is little which can be called final and absolute. However the biological and physical facts of the universe described by the Qur' an could not have been known before modem technology breakthroughs. As this is the case an unbiased person can have no doubt that the Qur' an is the word of the Creator and Islam, the universal truth.
If you sit through an astronomy class, you'll learn about the Big Bang. It is a theory of the creation of the universe, and it's the best scientific explanation we have for what we can observe. We aren't sure what happend in the very beginning of time, but we do know for certain that the universe is expanding and that galaxies are (mostly) moving away from each other.

There are whole courses in cosmology offered at many colleges, and there is a broad offering of scientific information on this subject. Certainly WikiAnswers has lots of additional posts on related questions. Links can be found

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8y ago

Most religions have an answer as to how the universe was created. The Abrahamic religions provide two different creation stories in the Book of Genesis, although most believers treat the second story as somehow a retelling of the first. Then there are Hindu creation stories, Daoist creation stories, Shinto creation stories and so on.

Without religion, we are left with the science of what really happened, with theories about how this happened. Stephen Hawking, possibly the greatest physicist of our time, says (The Grand Design) that because there are laws such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. This is the essence of the Big Bang, from which the whole universe emerged.

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8y ago

With the exception of mankind, we are only told what God made, not how He made it. That fact is in order to stress mankind's importance.

To make man, God fashioned the appropriate shape from dirt and breathed a soul into it (Genesis ch.2). He then made the first woman by fashioning her from a piece of the man's flesh (ibid).

Day by day, God created the universe and its contents (Genesis ch.1).God created the universe out of nothing (Exodus 20:11, Isaiah 40:28; Rashi commentary to Genesis 1:14; Maimonides' "Guide," 2:30).Note that the Torah, in describing the Creation, deliberately employs brevity and ellipsis, just as it does in many other topics. See the Talmud, Hagigah 11b.

  • On day 1: God created the universe in general, light, and this Earth. The light was not the same as that of the sun. Rather, it was light that God created before the sun, and which emanated from a point in space without any physical source; like what we might term a "white hole."
  • On day 2: God created the separation between the Earth and the upper atmosphere.
  • On day 3: God separated the continents from the oceans, and created plants.
  • On day 4: God created the sun, moon, and stars.
  • On day 5: God created birds and fish.
  • On day 6: God created animals and people.
  • On day 7: God ceased creating, thereby creating the concept of rest.

See also:

Is there evidence for Creation?

Can you show that God exists?

Seeing God's wisdom

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8y ago

God (Old-Earth creationism), whether or not a Big Bang was involvedGod (Young-Earth creationism), whether or not a Big Bang was involved

The Big Bang (without recourse to God)

See also:

Is there evidence for Creation?

Can you show that God exists?

Seeing God's wisdom

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8y ago

The two most widely-known are the tradition of Creation, and the theory of Evolution. According to the theory of Evolution, life developed by random processes, especially mutations.

The narrative of Divine Creation, which is contained in Genesis ch.1 and 2, states that God created the universe. This teaches us that God exists, that our lives and the world are not random, and that the created things may be assumed to contain vast wisdom in their beautiful and purposeful design. (In recent decades, this wisdom has indeed been partially revealed, through increasingly powerful microscopes.)Evolution through random mutations, on the other hand, may be understood as implying that life is an accident, that perceived beauty and wisdom are ultimately purposeless, and that our instinctive yearning for the Eternal is just an electrical impulse in our brain.

See also:

Is there evidence against Evolution

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8y ago

The two most widely known are Creation and Evolution. See also: Is there evidence against Evolution

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9y ago

The Steady State Theory held that the universe always was, although it has evolved and continues to evolve. With increasing knowledge about the universe, this theory has few adherents now.

The "Big Bang" Theory says that the universe started when a single primordal point of matter and energy exploded, eventually expanding to form the universe as we know it. This theory is considered to fit all the facts as we know them.

An extension of the "Big Bang" Theory, supported by some, is that there have been multiple universes, over infinite time. As each universe is formed from its "Big Bang", it expands until gravity takes over and pulls all the matter back into the primordal point. Then, the cycle starts with a new "Big Bang" that creates a new universe.

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12y ago

The Steady State Theory seems simply a general 'nature of the Universe' theory.

It said nothing of the formation of the Universe (beginning of the Universe) but

did state that matter arises continuously between gliding-apart galaxies at just

the right rate to explain the homogenous galaxyscape view one gets when

surveying the Universe. The Steady State Theory is largely abandoned, giving way

to the Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang model explains 'a formation' for the Universe

more obviously in that it began, from an infintessimally small point (singularity), in

an intensely hot explosive expansion with time itself beginning at the moment of

this 'Bang'. The Big Bang Theory is part of the Standard Model, which explains the

origin of all the fundamental particles, the origin of matter and galaxies and stars.

Much knowledge of both quantum theory and general relatively (complex

mathematical theoretical physics) to try to disentangle the events of the early

Universe in any comprehensible way. Indeed, an attempt has been made to unite

General Relativity and Quantum Theory to make the Universe all the more explicable.

This has given rise to the (to many, apparently) abstruse world of string theory,

whose extent of say on the topic of the origin/formation of the Universe is most

certainly unknown to me.

Most theories, as well as laws, hypotheses and conjectures, both ancient and

modern, faith- and science-based, are agreed on the view that the universe

was definitely formed.

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11y ago

Earth coalesced from the circumstellar disc that formed around our nascent star, some 4.75 billion years ago, give or take 200 million. This theory arose over seventy years ago, by the 1940s, as we developed the ability to reliably date meteorites and early earth rock.

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According to our theory of solar system formation why do you find some exceptions to the general rules and patterns of the planets?

Most of these are a result of giant impacts

How long do they think it took the moon to form?

there are a lot of theories about how the moon formed, one of which is due to a meteor strike, it is therefore impossible to give a dating for when it formedi have found however that its crust was formed an estimated 4.5 billion years ago, about the same time earth's crust was formed, supporting the meteor strike theory, which suggests the moon's total formation might have taken less than a year(not including cooldown) perhaps only a few days eventhen again, there are several theories# The Fission Theory: The Moon was once part of the Earth and somehow separated from the Earth early in the history of the Solar System. The present Pacific Ocean basin is the most popular site for the part of the Earth from which the Moon came. # The Capture Theory: The Moon was formed somewhere else, and was later captured by the gravitational field of the Earth. # The Condensation Theory: The Moon and the Earth condensed together from the original nebula that formed the Solar System. # The Colliding Planetesimals Theory: The interaction of earth-orbiting and Sun-orbiting planetesimals (very large chunks of rocks like asteroids) early in the history of the Solar System led to their breakup. The Moon condensed from this debris. # The Ejected Ring Theory: A planetesimal the size of Mars struck the earth, ejecting large volumes of matter. A disk of orbiting material was formed, and this matter eventually condensed to form the Moon in orbit around the Earth.

The most recent theory that upholds the big bang theory but suggests a sudden expansion after the bang is?

That's the inflationary theory.

If a big meteor hit the dinosaurs then how come the earth didn't explode?

It wasn't that big! The theory is that a large meteor hit the Earth and the explosion caused a large amount of dust in the upper atmosphere which caused climate change and the dinosaurs (or most of them) didn't survive.

What is the most power storm on Earth?

The most powerful storm on earth are tornadoes and hurricanes!

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What the current theory of how earth moon was formed?

The currently most-accepted theory is that it was the result of an impact, of a giant object with Earth.

Which theory is supported most by the finding that the moon is similar in composition to the outer portions of the earth?

The "giant impact" theory. The most popular current theory of the Moon's formation is that during the early times of our solar system very shortly after its formation, another planet perhaps as large as Mars collided with the proto-Earth. The cores of the two planets merged (resulting in the unusually massive iron core of the Earth) and the debris blasted into space by the collision partly fell back to Earth and partly formed the Moon.

Which theory is supported most by the finding that the moon is similar in composition to the outer portions of Earth?

The "giant impact" theory. The most popular current theory of the Moon's formation is that during the early times of our solar system very shortly after its formation, another planet perhaps as large as Mars collided with the proto-Earth. The cores of the two planets merged (resulting in the unusually massive iron core of the Earth) and the debris blasted into space by the collision partly fell back to Earth and partly formed the Moon.

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Another idea is that the Earth captured the Moon after its formation. ... The most widely accepted theory is that the Moon was formed.

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I don't think there is any rate of formation of crude oil in the world as it is now. The accepted theory of how the oil arose is that it was formed by very thick deposits of algae, in a world very different from today's world. Some people have argued that oil could come from deep inside the earth, but this theory is not accepted by most geologists.

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