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This are the 6 different pencil cases: '''2B, HB, 4A, 4B, 2A, 4C.'''

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Did Victorian children have pencil cases?

Yes, Victorian children did have pencil cases, although they were likely very different in design and materials compared to modern ones. Pencil cases were used to store writing instruments such as quills, pens, and pencils.

Which is better value 6 pencil cases for 9 euro or 7 for 10.85?

9 for 6

What is the main material to make a pencil case?

Pencil Cases can be made from many different materials, but the most popular would be soft plastic and fabric.

Where do they sell pencil cases?

you can sell pencil cases in stationery stores or even in your local grocery store

Where can you get pencil cases from?


What is the plural form of the word pencil case?

The possessive form of the plural noun phrase is the lawyers' cases (the cases of the lawyers).The possessive for plural nouns that end with an -s is formed by adding an apostrophe (') after the ending -s.Example: All of our lawyers' cases are compiled in an archive for quick reference.

Is there red budons pencil cases?


What is waverzone?

Waverzone produces Pencil Cases

Are pencil cases with velcro invented?

No they aren't

Are smiggle pens pencil cases good quality?

smiggle pencil cases are good quality I've had mine for two years and there is no tear or anything

Why are pencil cases made out of fabric?

demin is moung lots of factors in making a pencil case

Who first invented pencil cases?

Its is unkown who invented it but the first pencil case was invented 1800s (Silver ones) for london museums. China also produced wooden pencil cases and were then exported around the world