

What are the Side effects of bulimia?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Well, speaking from experience, yes it can be. I have been bulimic for 4 years and it has nearly killed me. Everytime I eat it hurts my stomach badly, every time I purge it hurts everything from my stomach up to my throat. I have kidney stones, which is very painful and can be caused from bulimia. I can't have children..that is painful emotionally... If you are bulimic or thinking of being bulimic, please take my advice and DONT.

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Q: What are the Side effects of bulimia?
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it is binge and pinge side effects are hair falling out,no menstrual cycle,ruins teeth

What are some bulimia effects?

It can kill you.

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The potential side effects of bulimia include heart problems, electrolyte issues, intestinal problems, and throat issues. A full list of negative effects can be found on the WebMD website.

Compare and contrast anorexia vs bulimia?

Both anorexia and bulimia are dangerous eating disorders that can be potentially fatal. Each had many risks, side effects, and consequences. Both EDs are found primarily in girls between the ages of 12 and 28 in middle- to upper-class families. Both are eating disorders related to the desparate desire to lose weight. Bulimia is far more common than anorexia is. Bulimics will binge and the purge to lose weight, while anorexics will mainly tightly restrict their calorie intake and then exercsie excessively to burn off even more calories. Anorexia has a higher fatality rate from the actual disorder, while bulimia has a higher suicide rate (as it is far less effective) and a higher fatality due to complications and medical side effects.

Compare and contrast anorexia and bulimia?

Both anorexia and bulimia are dangerous eating disorders that can be potentially fatal. Each had many risks, side effects, and consequences. Both EDs are found primarily in girls between the ages of 12 and 28 in middle- to upper-class families. Both are eating disorders related to the desparate desire to lose weight. Bulimia is far more common than anorexia is. Bulimics will binge and the purge to lose weight, while anorexics will mainly tightly restrict their calorie intake and then exercsie excessively to burn off even more calories. Anorexia has a higher fatality rate from the actual disorder, while bulimia has a higher suicide rate (as it is far less effective) and a higher fatality due to complications and medical side effects.

How quickly do you see effects from bulimia?

There are many effects of bulimia. Some effects, like weight loss, can take weeks to notice. Tooth decay (due to acid from the stomach) can take weeks or months to become very bad. Other effects, like scrpaes on the hands / knuckels and blood-shot eyes can be noticed very quickly. But they, too, can take some time to develop, also.

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It's not an eating disorder 'caused by', but rather 'classified by' and it is known as Bulimia Nervosa. Google it.