

What are the Symptoms of squirrel bite infections?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are the Symptoms of squirrel bite infections?
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The bite force of the Eastern Grey squirrel can exceed 7000 pounds.

Can dogs get infections from squirrl bites?

Yes they can get nasty infections, abscesses or even Rabies if the squirrel is infected and your dog has not been vaccinated against Rabies. Take your pet to the Veterinarian if the bite wound looks nasty or if your dog has not been vaccinated against Rabies.

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They can if they bite the dog.

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Why would a squirrel stay high in a tree?

Why do squirrel hide high up in trees? Maybe because they the're scared of the sight of Humans.If you can catch a squirrel, you might have a deep gash in your hand.(Or more commonly known as a squirrel bite).

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Can dogs get infections from squirrel bites?

yes, squirrel's carry rabies, my dog has had his Rabi shot, and just caught one and it bit him in the lip I feel he is safe because of his Rabi shot?