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The disadvantages are that it is hard for a species to vary and/or evolve with asexual reproduction because the offspring really only have one parent. another disadvantage is that most species that asexually reproduce are small organisms (single celled bacteria or protists), although there are some plants that are known to asexually reproduce. some advantages include that you do not need another gender partner to reproduce, as long as you have an energy source, you can reproduce all you want

Some advantages of asexual reproduction are

- Large numbers of offspring are reproduced very quickly from only one

parent when conditions are favourable.

- Large colonies can form that can out - complete other organisms for nutrients and water.

- Large numbers of organisms mean that species may survive when conditions or the number of predators change.

- Energy is not required to find a mate.

Some disadvantages of asexual reproduction are

- Offspring are genetic clones. A negative mutation can make a sexually produced organisms susceptible to disease and can destroy large numbers of offspring.

- Some methods of asexual reproduction produce offspring that are close together and compete for food and space.

- Unfavourable conditions such as extreme temperatures can wipe out entire colonies.
The advantages are that if the plant is good at producing ripe fruit or vegetable quickly or is quick at photosynthesis, you take a cutting from the plant and replant it and when it grows it identical to the original. Or it might be a that it is immune to some types of pesticides and other chemicals.

The disadvantages are that if the plants are all the same species there is no differentiating and therefore they can be wiped out by a disease or a change in the climate.

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction in plan?

If by "plant" then the advantages are that they dont do anything dirty in our yard or home and the disadvanges are that they grow and reproduce very fast.

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Asexual reproduction does not lead to genetic variations while sexual reproduction leads to genetic variations. In asexual reproduction there is no limitation/restrictions for gametes to be fertilized.In sexual reproduction if either of the gametes do not function/not present then the possibility of reproduction becomes nil.Asexual reproduction gives rise to multiple daughter cells from mother cells while sexual reproduction normally gives rise to only two daughter cells.

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disadvantages of sexual reproduction:- need 2 parents (if one species dies out; can't produce anything) - can spread disease- not quick- may be mutationsadvantages of asexual reproduction:disadvantages of asexual reproduction:- exact copy - no diversity- if a disease is genetically transmitted, every generation will get that disease and soon become extincthope this helped !

What kind of reproduction leads to large populations lacking genetic diversity and consisting of genetically identical organisms?

Asexual reproduction because in asexual reproduction, the offspring is genetically identical to the parent. One of the advantages of asexual reproduction is large population because in asexual reproduction, only one parent is involved. The types of organisms that have asexual reproduction are: Algae, yeasts, and protozoans.

The principal advantages of asexual reproduction are?

the answer is rapid rate, large variation....your welcomeuh.

Do protists hsve an asexual reproduction?

no they do not "hsve" asexual reproduction they "have" asexual reproduction...

Disadvantages of asexual reproduction are .?

There is no genetic variability since the offsprings are not very different from their parents.

What disadvantages are there to asexual reproduction?

There is no genetic variability, (unless some random mutation occurs)

What type of reproduction that only require one parent?

asexual. its what plants do

What are advantages of asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction generates offspring that are genetically identical to a single parent. Asexual reproduction allows the organisms to reproduce very quickly. Asexual reproducers do not have to carry their offspring for a long amount of time and produce more than one at a time. Asexual reproducers do not have to spend time looking for a mate.

What advantages does asexual reproduction have?

asexual reproduction ensures that there are very little changes, that way if an original specimen has favorable traits, then the traits will carry on to the replicate. Worms are good examples of these.

What are the advanages of Asexual reproduction?

What are the Advanages of Asexual reproduction?