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The advantages to free-range livestock production are as follows:

  • Animals are free to move around as they please and are not confined to small, cramped spaces
  • Animals are free to socialize with others of their kind as they please
  • Livestock are not fed a high concentrate ration every day, and instead are allowed to roam freely to find their own food to eat
  • There is an increased health and welfare of animals due to a more natural diet and natural way of living
  • Less labor (relatively speaking, though some part of free-range is actually more laborious than what is involved in CAFO operations), machinery, fuel, fertilizer, capital, and even vet costs when animals are being allowed free-range.
  • Animals are not implanted with hormones or fed sub-therapeutic levels of antibiotics. Antibiotics are only reserved for animals that are sick with some form of bacterial infection.
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Q: What are the advantages of free range farming?
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It is possible that a Christian will view free range farming as a disadvantage and make food too expensive. This is because there is a shortage of areas in which to have free range farming.

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I think that like most people, Christians regard free range farming as a good thing and feel that people should buy free range produce where possible.

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