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There aren't any advantages. If there is an advantage it is only that it allows programmers to write sloppy code, which is never a good thing. Strongly typed languages make it abundantly clear exactly what type of data is physically stored in memory at all times whereas typeless languages are ambiguous, inefficient, and make it much more difficult to share data with other programs never mind passing data around the same program. It also makes it far too easy to assign different types to the same variable name.

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You don't need to know what happens on the assembly level. You can write something that is more readable to humans, which is then automatically converted to machine language.

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6y ago

There is no such thing as an untyped language. Every programming language uses types to determine which operations are valid for a given value. It would not make sense to multiply two strings, for instance. Statically typed languages perform validation during compilation; invalid operations would prevent compilation and thus eliminates errors which would otherwise have to be detected at runtime, as per a dynamically typed language.

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14y ago

Java is compiled into a general bytecode. It is interpreted by the Java Virtual Machine. Because the code is not compiled into something specific to one platform, it can be interpreted in the same way by multiple JVMs. For example, a user with a Windows JVM can run a program in the same way as a user with a Macintosh JVM. Therefore your program has no affiliation with any particular platform and it is platform independent.

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13y ago

Extremely fast, works very well

for GUI programming on a computer. Good

language to write operating systems,

drivers, and platform dependent

applications with. Good language to learn to

program with. Good language for


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10y ago

A platform is a machine that interprets and executes code. Different platforms have different rules when interpreting code, as humans read different languages uniquely.

Platform independent programming languages are universal, and can execute on all major machines. Programmers may write one script and needn't worry about target machinery.

This is the sole advantage compared to platform dependent languages, which execute on a single machine. Unless a programmer would like the executable to work on one machine, additional work is necessary to bring it to other platforms.

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7y ago

Platform independent languages are high-level languages that have no dependency on the machine (architecture or platform). In other words, they allow cross-platform development from the same source code. The low-level machine details are handled by the language's interpreter or compiler, allowing the programmer to create solutions in terms of the problem domain rather than the machine domain. In most cases, the source code must be recompiled for each supported platform. However, with interpretive languages such as Java, the source code is compiled against a virtual machine (which remains the same regardless of the underlying platform or architecture) while the interpreter handles the low-level machine details.

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7y ago

The advantage is that they are platform independent! That means they can run not just on one type of computer, but on many different types of computers (hardware and operating system, to be precise).

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Platform-agnostic apps are easier to manage since changes are automatically synced across all platforms and devices, saving you time, money, and energy.

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9y ago

Some program source codes are created on one type of computer platform but they can execute on another platform. This type of programming language is considered to be platform independent.

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Q: In programming languages What are the advantages and disadvantages of having no types in a language?
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