

Best Answer

Black Death

Peasant Revolt


Rise and fall of the Knights Templar

1066 and William the Conqueror

Compilation of the Doomsday Book

Building of the Kremlin in Moscow

Building Tower of London

Saladin uniting the Muslim world

Marco Polo's travels

Magna Carta

Chaucer writes The Cantebury Tales


Expansion of the Mongol Empire

End of the Byzantine Empire

Fall of Constantinople

Gothic architecture

Rise of the Medici Family

Battle of Poitiers

War of the Roses

Bible translated into English

100 Years War

Gutenberg Press

The Great Famine

Battle of Crecy

Thomas Aquinas

Hanseatic League formed

Begining of the Inquisition

Murder of Thomas a Becket

Battle of Agincourt

Caxton sets up his printing press

William Wallace

Timur invades India

Ashikaga shogunate period in Japan starts

Kublai Khan comes to power in China

Defeat of Kublai Khan's great invasion fleet

Golden Palace in Japan built

Rise of the Toltec Empire

Aztec Empire

Manco Cápac and the rise of the Incan Empire

Disappearance of the Anasazi from the Chaco Canyon region

Protestant Reformation

Coronation of Charlamagne

Moors defeated in Spain

Islamic Golden Age of Sciences

Western Schism

Joan of Arc

Papal Indulgences


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15y ago
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15y ago

Here are only a few that I can think of: The Crusades, Battle of Hastings - William the Conqueror vs. Harold of Wessex, The fight btwn Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV of Germany, The Concordat of Worms King John and the signing of the Magna Carta, The Angles and the Saxons invade Britain, King Charlemagne's Coronation, Clovis is chosen to be Frankish ruler "King" Arthur's twelve battles

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13y ago

There were three events of this time that were very important in the West.

One was the collapse of the West Roman Empire, which happened gradually over the course of the fifth century, though the date 476 is often given as a date for the fall of Rome (a simplification that is appalling, as far as I am concerned).

The second was the rise of Islam, which was founded by Muhammad, who died in 632.

The third was the creation of the Carolingian Empire, in 800. This empire divided into large pieces, but these gave rise to France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

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14y ago

The "The Black death" would be an important event in the Medieval Times. The black death wiped out one third of Europe!!

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Tyler Crites

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2y ago
When did this happen?

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11y ago

The Black Death

The Peasants' Revolt

The Murder of Thomas Becket

We covered these at school, hope it helps.

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Q: What are important events that happened in Medieval Times?
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If this refers to the entertainment show Medieval times, it is a predetermined outcome based on the actor's showmen ship, or seating arrangement. It this refers to actual old medieval jousting events, then it was based on class, hierarchy, or the monarchs favor.