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Abusive people don't get "enough is enough." I have no idea how old the parent is, but medications can certainly contribute to anger outbursts, bad behavior, or sometimes the start of Alzheimer's or Dementia (this can start at much earlier ages than doctors had anticipated previously.) Alcohol and drug abuse are also included in this. Drug abuse can also mean being hooked on prescription drugs. With luck, once you have left the home and your parent is in good health as far as you know, absence can make the heart grow fonder. Sometimes parents have difficulties with "the empty nest syndrome" and this could be part of it. Even though you may feel you both never got along, that parents hates the thought of you not being there anymore (their baby is out in the world and they don't need them anymore.) It's like you having a 16 - 18 year marriage and suddenly you and your wife/husband separate. It takes a lot of getting use too because if anything, the routine is broken. All you can do is leave, give it a month, then try going for a visit and keep this up for 6 months. If you don't see any changes make the visits less frequent. I can feel that you wish with all your heart your parent could be happy for you and that all was well and it doesn't quite seem to be working out this way. In time, hopefully it will. I suggest in a month asking your parent out for lunch and making an effort, but if it continues to upset you, then you have to move on and keep in touch every so often until your parent tells you verbally they don't want to hear from you. Please don't feel guilty! You have done nothing wrong and you certainly deserve a life of your own. Good luck Merry Christmas Marcy

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Q: What are the chances that a verbally abusive parent will continue the abuse after his child becomes an adult and what can be done to make sure the parent gets the message that Enough is Enough?
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