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There is little to say about meth on the positive side, I know this, but there is something to say. There isn't much in this world that only has negative sides and no positive sides. I have my own beliefs on the drug since I have been able to use it in small amounts from time to time. There was a time when I was young and I used it too much because I was addicted to it and was amazed by the automatic high, but as I aged, I was able to pull away from it when I began feeling the effects on my physical health. I used it off and on for about four years and it began hurting my joints. This was because the drug dehydrates you badly. It has allot to do with the fact that the drug reacts to your pituitary gland and releases the bodies water to attempt to get rid of the drug. I became dehydrated and so did my joints. To top it off, I was super active and it was even harder on my joints. After four years of off and on use, I found that I had a good reason to quit. Then I did it again about a year later. And again another two years later. I guess the point of this story is that I was finally able to kick the weekly use that I had been doing down to a social, casual, extremely limited use. I am human and not perfect, but I do my best to be an upstanding citizen. I do not lie to people, and I do not steal.

We all have a built in reality of ourselves. Some of us are thieves and some are not. Some of us are liars and yes some of us are not. Now I can go on for days and argue every little aspect of these facts. I have a 160 IQ and feel that I am well educated and smart even after using the drug. I have suffered no damage t my teeth, and at almost 28 years old, I have the body of a 19 year old. So since I am telling the truth here, I will get on with the truth about the positive sides to meth.

When with a person you are comfortable with, meth is actually like a truth serum. All those little things that you would normally not be able to tell your partner when you were sober, but it would actually make you closer, well meth can open you up to talk for hours on end about those things.

All those projects that you wanted to get done and you didn't have the ambition to do, on meth you want to do them, and they are extremely fun to do.

Meth can lower your cholesterol, but be careful if you have high cholesterol while using it because meth will raise your blood pressure and heart rate up to about 160 over 100 and 160 beats per minute. This is a dangerous level, but it is temporary if the drug is used in short settings and goes right back.

The ability to bond sexually is magnified to an extremity that is equivalent to nothing else I have ever known. This is an effect in most users. Whoever said you cannot get an erection is uneducated in using the drug. How about making love ways that is so intimate and for hours. It is common to love on your partner for hours and time again. The intimacy is probably comparable to Ecstasy which I have never tried.

The drug speeds up your mind so that you can think at an elevated rate. I can write music for twenty hours and finish with a masterpiece on my guitar. I can make love for hours and be more intimate than ever possible. I can think with different depth then I could without. These are simple things to be cherished, but to understand, you would have to truly know the drug.

Like any drug prescribed by the doctor, this has side effects. The side effects to meth are bad and many. Extreme caution should be used when exposing yourself to this drug. It is acidic so it will hurt your teeth. You need to brush them allot, but not too much or you will also damage them. It dehydrates you and you will lose up to 11% of your water weight, so you must drink allot while doing meth. It is also good to drink cranberry juice for your liver and kidneys so that they sustain minimal damage. You must also eat so that you don't accidently burn too many calories and end up hurting yourself. Drinking milk or soy protein is a good alternative for people who have a hard time eating while on meth.

If done in the right setting, meth can be semi safe and fun. With the right person, meth can be an absolutely bonding experience. It is a good test for two people who have previously used, but regularly do not. If two lovers do it together and have absolutely no disconnection of heart and mind, then you two are most likely good for each other. Just remember to not get junked out on this stuff.

The come down can be rough for about a day or two so you have to be consciously aware of whether or not it was worth it with what you accomplished while doing it.

Finally I would never recommend anyone try meth if you have not. It is extremely addictive and can destroy your life with haste. Very few people can control their addictions and limit their usage to once a year or less like I have. As you get older, you should even limit it more to protect your heart because of how hard it is on you.

Be careful people you are messing with a deadly substance, but used wisely which is sooooo hard to do, it can be a fun experience.

Good day

--- Finally, a well balanced answer. The anti-drug people do themselves a disservice when they fail to acknowledge a drug's benefits or upside; this makes those who try the drug and don't experience immediate physical, mental, and social catastrophic effects think "well, this isn't so bad at all- I guess they were lying about all the drawbacks" So, yes, like ANYTHING else, there are both good and bad aspects to this substance, and as always the answer lies in moderation.

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12y ago
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8y ago

Methamphetamine hydrochloride is a powerful and potent central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that acts on multiple neurotransmitters primarily serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.

Methamphetamine abuse can have significant neurotoxic effects including brain damage, loss of dopamine and serotonin neurons, reduced concentrations of dopamine and serotonin neurons. Methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity and neurodegeneration

is due to glutamate excitotoxicity which leads to apoptosis (cell death) mediated by oxidative stress. Basically neurons burn up when exposed to extremely large levels of glutamate, a chemical methamphetamine increases and overstimulates.

Potential physical effects of using methamphetamine by any route of administration (orally, smoking, snorting, injecting) include the following:

Cachexia (loss of strength and vitality much like that caused by late stage AIDS), skin lesions), needle marks (from IV use), cellulitis from injection sites or infected skin lesions, chemical burns from "cooking meth," poor dental hygiene, grinding/broken teeth and clenching jaw (bruxism), cardiomyopathy (deterioration and weakening of the function of the heart muscle and/or change in muscle structure), hypertension (high blood pressure), myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke, seizures (gran mal), blurred vision, tachycardia (rapid heart rate), heart palpitation, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, constipation, xerostomia (drymouth), unpleasant taste, urticaria (hives), diaphoresis (excessive sweating), paraesthesia (abnormal sensations like "pins and needles"), acne vulgaris ("acne"), acne rosacea ("rosacea"), anorexia (loss of appetite), analgesia (reduction of pain) weight loss, tachypnea (rapid breathing), mydriasis (pupil dilation), hyperthermia (elevated body temperature), skin flushing, IV users have an increased risk of getting a STD, and people who use methamphetamine in any way also have a higher risk of STD's.

Pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the arteries that supply the lungs) can be caused by using methamphetamine in any form however it is most likely to occur from smoking.

People with structural cardiac abnormalities or other cardiovascular problems are at high risk of sudden death and cardiorespiratory arrest

Potential psychiatric and neurological effects of using methamphetamine by any route of administration (orally, smoking, snorting, injecting) include the following:

Hubris, delusions of grandeur, loss of inhibition (increased sociability, increased recklessness), aggressive behaviour, rage, self-harm, violence, impotence, hypersexuality, repetitive movements, obsessive compulsive behaviours, dysphoria, euphoria, insomnia, agitation, psychomotor agitation/tremor, restlessness, headache, anxiety,formication (a common type of hallucination of bugs on snakes crawling on the skin sometimes called "meth bugs, exposure-induced depression, apathy, hypersomnia, somnolence (feeling very tired) , confusion, paranoia, hallucinations, paranoid psychosis, and memory loss.

Severe chronic methamphetamine abuse can cause or worsen major depressive disorder, all anxiety disorders, insomnia, hypersomnia, sleeping disorders, schizophrenia and other psychosis, bipolar (both depressive and manic), personality disorders, psychosomatic disorders, toxic-psychosis, and use of amphetamines including methamphetamine can lead substance abuse or substance dependency (addiction).

It must also be noted that in The United States of America methamphetamine is, contrary to common belief, approved for medical use and is available under the brand name drug Desoxyn (methamphetamine hydrochloride) in 5 mg tablets. Desoxyn is FDA approved to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and exogenous obesity. Desoxyn has also been clinically shown to be effective in treating narcolepsy and treatment resistant depression.

H. Lundbeck A/S (Lundbeck), the maker of Desoxyn indicates that

Methamphetamine has been extensively abused. Tolerance, extreme

psychological dependence, and severe social disability have occurred. There are reports of patients who have increased the dosage to many times that recommended. Abrupt cessation following prolonged high dosage administration results in extreme fatigue and mental depression; changes are also noted on the sleep EEG. Manifestations of chronic intoxication with methamphetamine include severe dermatoses, marked insomnia, irritability, hyperactivity, and personality changes. The most severe manifestation of

chronic intoxication is psychosis often clinically indistinguishable from schizophrenia. Abuse and/or misuse of methamphetamine have resulted in death. Fatal cardiorespiratory arrest has been reported in the context of abuse and/or misuse of methamphetamine.

Methamphetamine is a schedule II (CII) controlled substance in The United States under The Controlled Substances Act (§ 812. schedules of controlled substances) indicating that:

A) The drug has a high potential for abuse.

B) The drug has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States or a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions.

C) Abuse of the drug may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.

So although methamphetamine and other amphetamines can cause severe problems and may lead to addiction they do have a legitimate and proven medical use. When used appropriately and under judicious medical observation by a physician the risks posed by methamphetamine are minimal. Most serious side effects and complications from methamphetamine or amphetamine use are a result of abuse not medical use. It is also well established that the vast majority of people taking prescription medication like opioids, amphetamines (including methamphetamine), benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and other drugs rarely misuse them in any way. A liberal estimate of prescription drug abuse is approximately 1% of all users.

Anecdotal/personal opinion and experience:

In my opinion, much of the information regarding meth usage/abuse that is posted on the internet is either untrue or severely biased, misinformed and overly dramatized, and intended to scare someone who has never tried it. The message of fear is spread by law enforcement/government agencies, concerned parents groups and recovering addicts. The hope is that the negative reinforcement will cause a person who is unsure on whether they want to give it a try or not, to be sufficiently scared off by the negative blitz and decide against trying it. It's understandable, no parents want their children to experiment with potentially harmful substances. I'm definitely not disputing that there have been many documented cases of lives being ruined through methamphetamine addiction.

I'm not arguing that meth use should be advocated and given to children or any similar nonsense. I have seen the effects of this drug on many people. I agree that there are many negative effects but I also have seen positive effects as well.

That is the part that I think is ridiculous. I'm sure that there are cases like that but for the majority of people who try meth, none of these exagerrated consequences are ever going to effect them.

It causes problems based solely on the perception that exists in peoples minds about it. The stigma attached to meth, whether warranted or not, is nevertheless reality. Severe (and extreme in my opinion) consequences come from law enforcement. If you are caught with meth you are in lots of trouble.

Meth changes you, in ways you will never get back. I have been off of it for 6 years now and I dont think I will ever be the person I was before it. I became someone I didn't even know, and while I am not saying other drugs users don't have their own things, I have found a weird sort of connection to meth users that I have never felt with other drugs abusers (and I have known quite a few heroin users included). Children who are placed on Adderall (mixed amphetamine salts) for ADHD end up having a lot of issues later on. It is not a drug to be taken lightly, and it is not something I would ever say to someone that you can handle it if you just think this way. I have never met a recreational meth user, never. Every person I have known that was on it became hard core addicted, even people who never had problems before (I myself being on of those). I have watched it destroy families, and things I never want to have to repeat. I have had an ex-boyfriend want to kill me when he was on it because he had been up for several days, he thought I was lying to him about having none.

It's really, I mean REALLY bad for your lungs and teeth. I smoked it for 15 years every day (I quit almost a year ago) and I've lost 8 teeth (may lose more) and I can't climb two flights of stairs w/o losing my breath. I won't yell at you, but take it from someone who used meth in one form or another on a daily basis for 25 years... DON'T DO IT!

In my opinion, much of the information regarding meth usage/abuse that is posted on the internet is either untrue or severely biased, misinformed and overly dramatized, and intended to scare someone who has never tried it. The message of fear is spread by law enforcement/government agencies, concerned parents groups and recovering addicts. The hope is that the negative reinforcement will cause a person who is unsure on whether they want to give it a try or not, to be sufficiently scared off by the negative blitz and decide against trying it. It's understandable, no parents want their children to experiment with potentially harmful substances. I'm definitely not disputing that there have been many documented cases of lives being ruined through methamphetamine addiction.

Meth changes you, in ways you will never get back. I have been off of it for 6 years now and I dont think I will ever be the person I was before it. I became someone I didn't even know, and while I am not saying other drugs users don't have their own things, I have found a weird sort of connection to meth users that I have never felt with other drugs abusers (and I have known quite a few heroin users included). Children who are placed on Adderall (mixed amphetamine salts) for ADHD end up having a lot of issues later on. It is not a drug to be taken lightly, and it is not something I would ever say to someone that you can handle it if you just think this way. I have never met a recreational meth user, never. Every person I have known that was on it became hard core addicted, even people who never had problems before (I myself being on of those). I have watched it destroy families, and things I never want to have to repeat. I have had an ex-boyfriend want to kill me when he was on it because he had been up for several days, he thought I was lying to him about having none.

It's really, I mean REALLY bad for your lungs and teeth. I smoked it for 15 years every day (I quit almost a year ago) and I've lost 8 teeth (may lose more) and I can't climb two flights of stairs w/o losing my breath. I won't yell at you, but take it from someone who used meth in one form or another on a daily basis for 25 years... DON'T DO IT!

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13y ago

Smoking meth or doing meth in ANY form is extremely unhealthy for the mind, body, and spirit. you pay with your soul as well as financially and physically : in a nut shell, it's like using a credit card... You "borrow" energy and spirit ... Feel amazing now... And devastated later... Degadating and progressively so

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15y ago

Overall, chemicals are neither good nor bad. They are simply chemicals. The uses to which they are put are the issue. Some derivatives of methamphetamine have been suggested as being beneficial for treatment of some mental disorders. However, this has yet to be proven. If what you meant was, "Is there anything good about meth addiction," the answer is an emphatic "No."

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10y ago

Well, it's well-known that mirijuana use (especially at younger ages) disrupts brain connections and causes a considerable drop in IQ up to around 8 points, so that can be beneficial to people who are considered "too smart for their own good". Heart rate can double, resulting in an almost 5x higher heart attack risk when smoking. This is obviously beneficial to people who have never visited the emergency room but would like to. Also, in very rare medical cases, it can actually prevent seizures and acts as a general painkiller.

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11y ago

when you do it for the first time you stay at the same state of mind.

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