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Roman Catholic AnswerThe consequences of original sin are physical death of the body, spiritual death (inability to enter heaven), and concupiscence. Another AnswerSaint Augustine of Hippo (354-430) introduced the notion of original sin to the western half of the Christian Church, although it was never accepted in the Greek-speaking east and has been largely abandoned by many of the Protestant Churches. He said that original sin resulted directly from the disobedience of Adam and Eve, and believed that it could only be removed by baptism, so without baptism, souls could not go to heaven.

In more recent times, Christian Churches have modified their doctrine of original sin. Moreover, major denominations no longer regard Adam and Eve as literally the first two humans on earth, living just a few thousand years ago. Perhaps a little ahead of his Church's official position, Cardinal George Pell recently stated that the story of Adam and Eve is a myth, describing it as a religious story told for religious purposes. Without their existence, it will be hard to sustain the belief that Christians are born with original sin as a consequence of the sin of Adam and Eve, or that without baptism all are condemned to hell.

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12y ago
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12y ago

God prohibited the first couple to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge. As they disobeyed (Adam and Eve) because of the temptation of a snake, all the three were punished. (They were expelled from the Paradise.) Punishments: The snake got no legs and has had to move on its stomach from that time on. The woman's punishment was the hard labour and that she has been ruled over by a man. The man had to work hard on his land if he wanted to survive and provide for his family. Mankind was punished by losing immortality.

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13y ago

According to Catholicism, they are the seven deadly sins of the worst type that receive upon judgment by God in the most critique fashion. Often, the belief goes that Hell is more prominent to those who commit a deadly sin.

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8y ago

Sin causes conflict in our lives and separation from God.

God forgives us if we ask it, but sometimes sin can have permanent consequences. For example: seeing someone hungry, if you help the person, it has a good consequence in your guidance. And vice versa if someone didn't give to the needy. Spiritual consequences could be lack of guidance or feeling like our prayers are not effective, but there are physical consequences as well. For instance, if we engage in addictive behaviors we could develop an addiction.

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12y ago

They no longer have all their needs at their ease without any effort. They have to struggle to get their needs of food, drink, safety from any harm or dangers or illness. They have to follow the guides of God prophets and to follow their commands. If they believe in Allah (God in English) oneness and do good deeds for humanity and nature then God will reward them by the Gardens of Eden and accepting them in His Paradise. Otherwise they will be punished by pushing them in the Hell fire.

AnswerThe consequences of Adam's and Eve's sin is the inability of human beings to save themselves solely by their own efforts. It was by the grace of God (the Creator) that life was given to human beings. It continues to be by the grace of God (the Creator, Allah in Arabic) that human beings hope for and receive atonement, forgiveness, and redemption. Answer
  • Muslims believe that both Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and not only Eve.
  • Muslims also believe that both Adam and Eve admitted their sin, repented, asked God for forgiveness. God accepted their repentance and forgave them (Quran Ch2 V.34-38)
  • Muslims believe that no one of Adam and Eve's descendants will be punished by Adam and Eve's sin. Everyone will be judged only on their own beliefs, deeds, and conduct.
  • Muslims believe that you are responsible for yourself in front of God the Creator on the Last Day of Judgment. No one, except God the Creator, can forgive you and accept you in His paradise per His mercy.
AnswerThe consequences of Adam's and Eve's sins were immediate and long ranging. Most directly, the couple lost their home, their jobs, and their life expectancy. In Eden, Adam managed the Garden with Eve's assistance. They were promised eternal life as long as they didn't eat of the forbidden fruit. With the couple's expulsion, Adam and Eve faced consequences that impacted on all mankind. Adam and his descendants would have to work hard for the money. Eve and all mothers would have to suffer through painful childbirths. And no human being would live an earthly life forever. All humans consequently are born, deal with the entry of the Devil into the world, and die. AnswerInitially, it was intended for Adam & Eve to live indefinitely, for all eternity, in complete dependence and harmony with GOD. Eve, having succumbed to the 'craftiness' of the Serpent(Gen.3:1), was beguiled by his deceptive words and violated GOD'S one and only command not to eat from the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil", "for in the day you eat of it you will surely die."(see:Gen.2:16-17)

So the first part of their punishment, being that Adam also indulged in the forbidden fruit (Gen.3:6), was to only live for a predetermined time(Adam 930 yrs. Eve...not known.) Secondly, they experienced shame and embarrassment for the first time, at their nakedness.(see:Gen.3:7) So in a word it could be said that they lost their innocence. Thirdly, they experienced 'guilt' for the first time, along with their shame and tried to hide themselves from GOD when they heard Him walking in the Garden.(Gen.3:8) Where once they were accustomed and unafraid to have GOD come and visit with them and speak with them freely, they now tried to hide from Him. Fourthly, the 'multiplied pain' in children bearing.(Gen.3:16) Fifthly, where once there was a oneness between her and her husband, there would now be an ongoing struggle between them for leadership and that now she would have to have her husband 'rule' over her since she had shown herself incapable of making right choices w/o oversight as it were.(Gen.3:16) The sixth punishment was that now because of their sin the ground would be 'cursed' with 'thorns & thistles' and the like, and seventh, that where once the earth brought forth their food w/o hardly any effort on their part, they now would have to 'work the ground' with much sweat, blood & tears and "in pain they would eat of it all the days of their lives." (see Gen.3:17-19,23) Eighth, they were not allowed to ever eat from the 'tree of life'. Ninth, they were driven out of Eden, never to return again. And lastly, they lost that sweet fellowship they once had with GOD.


Adam was told not to touch the apple from tree and God also told that when take apple from tree it herts the feeling of tree ,so when you will hungry I will bring apple down from tree with my power means when apple fall from tree than you suppose to eat also I created you so to feed is my duty. What great nonviolance teaching and where we are today?

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14y ago

Really it depends on your situation, what type of sin are you talking about? were you once a christian or are you thinking of converting to Christianity? do you have a religion at all or are you a secular trying to prove a point to your friends? are you even talking about your self at all? Usually the quality of your life degrades and you find yourself unhappy and depressed more often, you feel like there's a gap in your life, a gap similar to that experienced by the terminally lonely or someone who lost their parents or an authoritative loved one. It's a pretty complex answer that can't truly be answered on the internet. Try talking to a pastor or priest about it and if you don't want to do that talk to some other Christians, read The Bible or try to clarify your question with me, heck do the lot.

hope I could help Ernest

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11y ago
Sin death

"The wages of sin are death..."Rom 6:23

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12y ago

The consequences were that they were kicked out of the Garden Of Eden. They lost their connection with the Almighty God.

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No, "original sin" is basically a Christian concept.

What is the relationship between Baptism and Original Sin?

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